
My basil finally developed roots! I'm currently reading about quantum mechanics, ferrofluids, and language models.


[08/09/2024:] Motivating Ladder Operators II
[08/08/2024:] A Cool Way to Garden
[08/08/2024:] Life and Basil Limeade
[08/05/2024:] Motivating Ladder Operators
[08/04/2024:] Migrated to AstroJS
[07/31/2024:] The Classical in the Quantum


Working on notes on the quantum mechanics, derivatives, and uploading my previous course notes onto this blog!


Finally started a projects page! I've recently made some nice upgrades to my post component, so it looks pretty clean! ;)


I'm considering whether or not to continue this project using WebGL or Three.js.

I'm also researching methods for generating the 3D scenes I want for this project automatically.

In the meantime, I've decided to proceed with some preliminary prototypes of the other interactive parts of this project.

Orange Juice

I like orange juice. :)


MAT 217 Notes: Honors Linear Algebra

Fall 2021
By Aathreya Kadambi
Expanding on Lectures by Professors Ruobing Zhang and Yunqing Tang

Below are my notes from MAT 217 (Honors Linear Algebra) at Princeton. My professors were Prof. Ruobing Zhang and Prof. Yunqing Tang, and my precept instructor (precepts are essentially smaller lectures where background material and examples are covered more intensively to support classes) was Dr. Takumi Murayama. I loved all of their teaching styles and might try to emulate them in the future. Professor Ruobing had this very unique and amazing way of teaching where he referred to large ideas and concepts as ā€œstoriesā€ and taught the class as if we were listening to a huge epic with a plotline. Professor Yunqing used blackboard space very efficiently and had a style that I can only describe as elegant; the way she ended each class gave me the same feeling I get when I close the back cover of a book and it felt like she was taking a bow (in my memory I canā€™t even remember if she actually took a bow or if Iā€™m just remembering it like that). She was also super responsive outside of class. Professor Takumi was very interactive and easy to talk to and did what I loved about Professor Gilbert Strang: listing the (three) topics for class before class began providing almost a backbone for the class and making formatting my notes easier. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the class; (obviously, Iā€™m biased since Linear Algebra is one of my favorite fields but) it was fun to be in and I learned a TON that Iā€™ll most definitely use in the future.

My class notes are below. Right now theyā€™re in a Draft 1, but in accordance with this ā€œmental gym programā€ thing for math that I made for myself, (hopefully) they will be onto higher drafts soon.

MAT 217 Notes Draft 1

As a side update, in the following years Iā€™ll be moving these course notes pages onto a new blog (a project Iā€™m calling GoldenFlames). But for now, most of this is being moved onto my new blog: Iā€™ll make a larger post about it after I populate RedFlame with more posts.

(2024 Update): Itā€™s been a while

As a fun fact, it might seem like this website is flat because you're viewing it on a flat screen, but the curvature of this website actually isn't zero. ;-)

Copyright Ā© 2024, Aathreya Kadambi

Made with Astrojs, React, and Tailwind.