
My basil finally developed roots! I'm currently reading about quantum mechanics, ferrofluids, and language models.


[08/09/2024:] Motivating Ladder Operators II
[08/08/2024:] A Cool Way to Garden
[08/08/2024:] Life and Basil Limeade
[08/05/2024:] Motivating Ladder Operators
[08/04/2024:] Migrated to AstroJS
[07/31/2024:] The Classical in the Quantum


Working on notes on the quantum mechanics, derivatives, and uploading my previous course notes onto this blog!


Finally started a projects page! I've recently made some nice upgrades to my post component, so it looks pretty clean! ;)


I'm considering whether or not to continue this project using WebGL or Three.js.

I'm also researching methods for generating the 3D scenes I want for this project automatically.

In the meantime, I've decided to proceed with some preliminary prototypes of the other interactive parts of this project.

Orange Juice

I like orange juice. :)



September 3, 2024
By Aathreya Kadambi
Expanding on Lectures by Professor Alexander Givental and Fomenko and Fuchs

It turns out that we are not just interested in spaces of continuous maps, but we are concerned with path-connected components of these spaces, or like things that are continuous but also can deform the thing.

Consider the maps Xβ†’f1YX \xrightarrow{f_1} Y and Xβ†’f0YX \xrightarrow{f_0} Y. We say f0∼f1f_0 \sim f_1 are homotopic if there is some F:XΓ—Iβ†’YF : X \times I \rightarrow Y such that F(x,0)=f0F(x,0) = f_0, F(x,1)=f1F(x,1) = f_1.

Ο€(X,Y)=C(X,Y)/∼\pi(X,Y) = C(X,Y)/\sim
we can consider homotopy classes of maps X→YX \rightarrow Y. We get path-connected components or something (maybe homotopies parition any set into classes of path connected components or something).

The classic example to distinguish path connectedness and connectedness is the union of sin⁑(1/x)\sin(1/x) and the yy-axis, which is supposedly connected but not path connected.

We say that XX and YY are homotopy equivalent if g∘f∼idXg \circ f \sim \text{id}_X (homotopic to the identity on XX), and f∘g∼idYf \circ g \sim \text{id}_Y.

We define a retraction r:Xβ† AβŠ†Xr : X \twoheadrightarrow A\subseteq X so that r∣A=idAr|_A = \text{id}_A. A retraction is deformational if i∘r∼idXi \circ r \sim \text{id}_X. Strict if the homotopy is identical on AA, like for example, AA doesn’t rotate or something during the retraction and stuff. In other words, strict means that AA doesn’t move during the retraction. Apparently there are some pathological examples, for which one can refer to the book.

Proposition. Deformation retraction is a homotopy equivalence.


i∘r∼idXi \circ r \sim \text{id}_X, r∘i=idAr \circ i = \text{id}_A.

Now XX is called contractible if x0∈Xx_0 \in X is a deformtaional retraction of XX.

Proposition. XX is contractible is equivalent to X∼ptX \sim \text{pt}.

Remark. There is some result that we will eventually discuss called Borsuk or something about extending retractions or something.

There is a classification of homotopies or something:

Theorem. TFAE (the following are equivalent):

  1. X∼YX \sim Y
  2. βˆ€Z\forall Z, βˆƒΞ±Z:Ο€(X,Z)β†’Ο€(Y,Z)\exists \alpha^Z : \pi(X,Z) \rightarrow \pi(Y, Z) which is natural with respect to ZZ, meaning that for any ψ:Zβ†’W\psi : Z \rightarrow W, then whenever we have a map from XX to ZZ, we can compose it with a map from ZZ to WW to get a map from XX to WW or something? More like in the sense that Ο€(X,Z)β†’Ο€(X,W)\pi(X,Z) \rightarrow \pi(X,W) there is a map Οˆβˆ—\psi_* induced by ψ\psi. And there is also a map Οˆβˆ—\psi_* from Ο€(Y,Z)\pi(Y,Z) to Ο€(Y,W)\pi(Y,W). In between we have two bijections, and it commutes. Just naturality from category theory, but not sure how the naturality idea is motivated from anything right now.
  3. βˆ€Z\forall Z, βˆƒΞ²Z:Ο€(Z,X)β†’Ο€(Z,Y)\exists \beta_Z : \pi(Z,X) \rightarrow \pi(Z,Y) which is a bijection which is natural with respect to ZZ.

We start by showing that 1 implies 3. If X∼YX \sim Y, then there exist maps f:Xβ†’Yf : X \rightarrow Y and g:Yβ†’Xg : Y \rightarrow X such that the compositions are identity. Then we get maps:

Ο€(Z,X)β†’fβˆ—Ο€(Z,Y)β†’gβˆ—Ο€(Z,X)\pi(Z, X) \xrightarrow{f_*} \pi(Z,Y) \xrightarrow{g_*} \pi(Z,X)
and the composition is identity. You can also do this in the opposite order and get identity. Therefore, the maps are set-theoretic inverses and so these are bijections.

Strat. Many things in mathematics relating to associativity come down to associativity of maps, for example associativity of vector addition comes from that of maps by thinking of vectors as translation maps. Apparently that comes in here too. He drew a square with Ο€(Z,X)\pi(Z,X), Ο€(Z,Y)\pi(Z,Y), Ο€(W,X)\pi(W,X), and Ο€(Z,Y)\pi(Z,Y).

Now we can do the direction that 3 implies 1. For this direction, he started by taking the image of the identity of Ο€(X,X)\pi(X,X) in Ο€(X,Y)\pi(X,Y) under the map Ξ²X\beta_X which was defined previously as fβˆ—f_* I think (so that Ξ²X(id)=f\beta_X(id) = f). Awesome proof using the square Ο€(X,X)\pi(X,X), Ο€(X,Y)\pi(X,Y), Ο€(Y,X)\pi(Y,X), Ο€(Y,Y)\pi(Y,Y) basically by tracing where the elements idX\text{id}_X and idY\text{id}_Y go to throughout the diagram. We then do a similar square for the other way.

Remark. There is also a basepoint version of this, where we define Ο€b(x,y)\pi_b(x,y) similarly to Ο€\pi above. Another remark is

Ο€b(Ξ£X,Y)=Ο€b(X,Ξ©Y)\pi_b(\Sigma X, Y) = \pi_b(X, \Omega Y)
We can essentially think of these CC or Ο€b\pi_b or Ο€\pi or whatever as functors, and so we see that Ξ£\Sigma and Ξ©\Omega are sort of adjoint. It is also important to note that they are not just functors to sets, they have some algebraic structure because loops can be adjoined, you can combine two loops to get another loop. I should note he put strikethroughs through the bbs in Ο€b\pi_b but I am not completely sure why. Something like this is in Fuchs Chapter 4. Apparently Fuchs makes two errors in each of his lectures.

As a fun fact, it might seem like this website is flat because you're viewing it on a flat screen, but the curvature of this website actually isn't zero. ;-)

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