
My basil finally developed roots! I'm currently reading about quantum mechanics, ferrofluids, and language models.


[08/09/2024:] Motivating Ladder Operators II
[08/08/2024:] A Cool Way to Garden
[08/08/2024:] Life and Basil Limeade
[08/05/2024:] Motivating Ladder Operators
[08/04/2024:] Migrated to AstroJS
[07/31/2024:] The Classical in the Quantum


Working on notes on the quantum mechanics, derivatives, and uploading my previous course notes onto this blog!


Finally started a projects page! I've recently made some nice upgrades to my post component, so it looks pretty clean! ;)


I'm considering whether or not to continue this project using WebGL or Three.js.

I'm also researching methods for generating the 3D scenes I want for this project automatically.

In the meantime, I've decided to proceed with some preliminary prototypes of the other interactive parts of this project.

Orange Juice

I like orange juice. :)


Constructing More Spaces

September 3, 2024
By Aathreya Kadambi
Expanding on Lectures by Professor Alexander Givental and Fomenko and Fuchs

Given two topologies, we can find a “product topology” whose open sets have a base as usual.

Given the interval I=[0,1]I = [0,1], we can define the cylinder ZX=X×IZX = X \times I. The cone CX=X×I/(x,0)(x,0)CX = X \times I / (x,0)\sim (x',0) basically it’s the cylinder quotienting by something. The suspension of XX is

ΣX:=CX/(X×I)\Sigma X := CX/(X \times I)

We can now talk about the category of topological spaces, where if we have some morphism XfYX \xrightarrow{f} Y,

Cyl(f):=X×IY(x,q)f(x)\text{Cyl}(f) := \frac{X\times I \sqcup Y}{(x,q) \sim f(x)}
Con(f):=Cyl(f)/X×0\text{Con}(f) := \text{Cyl}(f) / X \times 0

Now we will talk about joins. A join is XYX * Y. We can see it as a quotient:

XY=X×I×Y(x,0,y)(x,0,y),(x,1,y)(x,1,y)X * Y = \frac{X \times I \times Y}{(x,0,y) \sim (x,0,y'), (x,1,y)\sim (x',1,y)}
and now a question is whether joins are associative:
(XY)Z=?X(YZ)(X * Y) * Z =^? X * (Y * Z)
and the answer is yes, as long as X,Y,ZX, Y, Z are Housdorff and some stuf according to the book. However, there are some more subtlties to think about.

Now as a result of this issue about associativity, we consider the following. See some products of cones:

CX1×CX2×CX3×...={(t1,x1),(t2,x2),...,(tk,xk),...}CX_1 \times CX_2 \times CX_3 \times ... = \{ (t_1,x_1), (t_2,x_2),..., (t_k, x_k),... \}
If we consider the subset here defined by the condition that tk=1\sum t_k = 1, then this is how the infinite join can be defined in a symmetric way. This construction is a priori symmetric to stuff so this is another way to do something I don’t completely get yet.

We can now consider base point spaces which are basically what we have already considered, but with a base point. Then it is natural to think of the cone as a function from spaces without base points to base points because teh cone has a natural base point being the vertex of the cone.

He then said some stuff about (X,A)(X,A) and (X,A)X/A(X,A) \rightarrow X/A, and then asked something about (X,)(X,\varnothing) and how X/=Xpt=X+X/\varnothing = X \sqcup \text{pt} = X^+ the space with an extra base point added.

Now before we considered suspensions, we can consider the suspension of this X+X^+. Then we get some moon looking thing that I can’t draw here, but yeah. Apparently we’ll see soon why it is useful.

Next we consider some α(Xα,xα)={(xα)xαXα,almost allxα=xα}\prod_\alpha (X_\alpha, x_\alpha^\circ) = \{(x_\alpha) \mid x_\alpha \in X_\alpha, \text{almost all} x_\alpha = x_\alpha^\circ\} (α\alpha is in some indexing et JJ). This is the infinite product.

There is also something called the wedge product.

α(Xα,xnn):=αXα/α{xα}\bigvee_\alpha (X_\alpha, x_n^n) := \bigsqcup_{\alpha} X_\alpha / \bigsqcup_\alpha \{x_\alpha^\circ\}

This is also known as a boquet. Another important construction called the smash product is

X#Y:=X×YXYX \# Y := \frac{X \times Y}{X \cup Y}

Remark. There is a difficulty when defining products which is that in order to ensure nonemptiness sometimes we need axiom of choice or something, for examplme if we consider the set of all subsets of a given set, because from each subset we need to choose an element or something.

He proceeded to draw a weird picture with a cone looking thing, a circle, a plane, and a sphere, and wrote that

Sm+n+1=SmSnS^{m+n+1} = S^m * S^n
Sm#SnSm+nS^m \# S^n \simeq S^{m+n}
This is an exercise for us later.

Given some spaces XX and YY, C(X,Y)C(X,Y) is the set of continuous maps from XX to YY. For this we get a compact open topology with KK compacy subset of XX and OO open subset of YY. We get:

{f:XY:f(K)O}\{f : X \rightarrow Y : f(K) \subseteq O\}
this is the base of the topology.

If YY is something (matrix?, I can’t read the hanadwriting), then we get uniform convergence on compact subsets. A compact notation for C(X,Y)C(X,Y) is YXY^X in topology. It’s just a generalization of the notation YNY^N where we might be mapping from some NN points to YY, which gives NN (not necessarily distinct) points of YY.

A good result is:

(ZY)X=ZY×X(Z^Y)^X = Z^{Y \times X}

Remark. Is this associative? There are also lot’s of questions about continuity and things like this. It turns out that the above equality is true if YY is Hausdorff and locally compact or something. Givental: A good way to solve this problem is to assign it as a homework problem, but then he has to write a solution and check it. For a reference, there is a book by Rokhlin and Fuchs called Beginner’s Course in Topology: Geometric Chapters. It is less of a textbook and more of a handbook. Everything there is proved very well, we can open it and find the answer to these questions.

Now let us consider the following space, called the path space,

EX=C(I,X)EX = C(I,X)
For based spaces, we can consider specifically paths starting at the basepoint.
E(X,x0)={γC(I,X):γ(0)=x0}E(X, x_0) = \{\gamma \in C(I,X) : \gamma(0) = x_0\}
In the case where x0=x1x_0 = x_1, we have a special notation which si called the loop space of XX (denoted by I think Ω(X,x0)\Omega(X, x_0)). These spaces are also base point spaces because we can juts keep the base point.

So from this idea, we can actually rethink of the the weird picture (the suspension thing) form before is actually a collection of loops. We are thinking of loops parametrized by XX and that go “around” YY sort of. There is basically a map from XX to the loop space of YY or something. This is an important identity.

$$C(\Sigma X, Y) = C(X, \Omega Y)

We are now in a good place to talk about the next topic from the title of the textbook, which is “homotopies”.

As a fun fact, it might seem like this website is flat because you're viewing it on a flat screen, but the curvature of this website actually isn't zero. ;-)

Copyright © 2024, Aathreya Kadambi

Made with Astrojs, React, and Tailwind.