
My basil finally developed roots! I'm currently reading about quantum mechanics, ferrofluids, and language models.


[08/09/2024:] Motivating Ladder Operators II
[08/08/2024:] A Cool Way to Garden
[08/08/2024:] Life and Basil Limeade
[08/05/2024:] Motivating Ladder Operators
[08/04/2024:] Migrated to AstroJS
[07/31/2024:] The Classical in the Quantum


Working on notes on the quantum mechanics, derivatives, and uploading my previous course notes onto this blog!


Finally started a projects page! I've recently made some nice upgrades to my post component, so it looks pretty clean! ;)


I'm considering whether or not to continue this project using WebGL or Three.js.

I'm also researching methods for generating the 3D scenes I want for this project automatically.

In the meantime, I've decided to proceed with some preliminary prototypes of the other interactive parts of this project.

Orange Juice

I like orange juice. :)


Cell Spaces

September 3, 2024
By Aathreya Kadambi
Expanding on Lectures by Professor Alexander Givental and Fomenko and Fuchs

CW-Complexes (Cell Spaces)

We can start with sk0XβŠ†sk1X...βŠ†sknXβŠ†...=X\text{sk}_0X \subseteq \text{sk}_1X...\subseteq \text{sk}_nX \subseteq ... = X.

Cells are essentially sort of disks. Once you have one skeleton, you can define:

sknX:=sknβˆ’1XβˆͺΞ±:φαDΞ±n\text{sk}_nX := \text{sk}_{n-1} X \cup_{\alpha : \varphi_\alpha} D_\alpha^n
where φα:βˆ‚DΞ±nβ†’sknβˆ’1X\varphi_\alpha : \partial D_\alpha^n \rightarrow \text{sk}_{n-1}X. Essentially, we are attaching the boundary poitns of higher dimensional disks to the previous lower dimensional disks. We just said we need a continuous map between the boundary and the previous skeleton right, so we need a topology now. We say that FF is closed iff its intersection with every cell is closed.

Exercise. Show:

  • A finite CW-complex (finitely many cells, not necessarily finitely many sets?) is compact.
  • If a subset FF of a CW-complex is compact, then it intersects finitely many cells.

Remark. The second issue is not assigned as homework because it is actually very similar to the homework problem about R∞\R^\infty.

What if to a set XX we want to assign a CWCW-structure? Then, we write a disjoint union:

X=⨆μDΛ™ΞΌn(ΞΌ)X = \bigsqcup_{\mu} \dot{D}_\mu^{n(\mu)}
with σμ:DΞΌn(ΞΌ)β†’X\sigma_\mu : D_\mu^{n(\mu)} \rightarrow X, ΟƒΞΌβˆ£βˆ‚DΞΌ:=φμ\sigma_\mu|_{\partial D_\mu} := \varphi_{\mu}. I believe the dot above the DD means β€œopen”.

There are some axioms:

  • C(losure finite). The boundary of a cell lies in finitely many cells of lower dimension. (this automatically happens above with the first definition)
  • W(eak topology). Closed subsets are exactly those which have closed intersection with every cell.

It turns out that this idea of weak topology doesn’t match up with other ideas. For example, we consider the sequence of 1-cells attaching (0,0)(0,0) to (1,1n)(1,\frac{1}{n}) along with the segment from (0,0)(0,0) to (1,0)(1,0). This is compact initially, but it is not compact with respect to the weak topology because the bottom segment doesn’t really have to be there like that, it can be anywhere, it is more like a boquet of 1-cells tied together at a point.

We can again make CXCX and Ξ£X\Sigma X, and if we take a CW-subcomplex AβŠ†XA \subseteq X, we can consider a quotient space X/AX / A. If AA is a CW-subcomplex of both XX and YY, we can create a sort of structure by gluing them together so that we get some stuff in XX but not in AA, AA, and the stuff in YY not in AA.

We can also consider the product of two discs, DΞ±nΓ—DΞ²m≃Dn+mβ†’XΓ—YD_\alpha^n \times D_\beta^m \simeq D^{n+m} \rightarrow X \times Y. It might happen, though, that our W axiom is not satisfied in this case.

Exercise. If one of XX and YY is finite or both are countable, then XΓ—YX \times Y is a CW-complex.

Similar issues/results hold for smash products and joins.

Real Examples of Cell Spaces

Basic Examples

Dn/βˆ‚Dn=SnD^n/\partial D^n = S^n I feel like this makes sense, but needs proof potentially.

We can think of a line in R3\R^3 not through theo rigin, and imagine lines through the origin intersecting this line, then there are lines for all the points in the other line and a line parallel to it. Something about that, then we said: RP1βŠ†RP2βŠ†...βŠ†RPnβŠ†...RP∞\R P^1 \subseteq \R P^2 \subseteq ... \subseteq \R P^n \subseteq ... \R P^\infty and we can do the same things in C\mathbb{C} or H\mathbb{H}.

He also drew something with Snβ†’RPnS^n \rightarrow \R P^n and something about S∞S^\infty. The thing about spheres is that its not stable since you cannot build up SnS^n from Snβˆ’1S^{n-1} if you just attach a cell to a point, like the easiest way to get S2S^2 is to attach a 22-cell to a point, but it doesn’t let you construct S3S^3 without erasing a previous cell.T It is better thus to go to projective space first (or something).


We can tabulate the vectors that make up the frame into a kΓ—nk\times n table. Then, we can proceed to sort of reduce this via row reduction to get reduced row echelon form of the matrix. From this we can reorder things and shift htings around and we get so called Young diagrams. I think based on adding each independent vector to our set, we get a flag. So there are (nk){n \choose k} different cells that make up the Grassmanian. But bro I still don’t get why every cell corresponds to a particular increasing sequence with terms between 11 and kk.

We can actually consider also this limit:

G(n,k)βŠ†G(n+1,k)βŠ†...βŠ†G(∞,k)G(n,k) \subseteq G(n+1,k) \subseteq ... \subseteq G(\infty,k)
and you can also consider the embedding:
G(n,k)β†ͺG(n+1,k+1)G(n,k) \hookrightarrow G(n+1,k+1)
so we get some two-dimensional table of Grassmanians and the tables all agree.

Remark. My guy just wrote G(∞,k)β†ͺG(∞+1,k+1)β†ͺ...G(\infty,k) \hookrightarrow G(\infty + 1, k+1) \hookrightarrow ... on the board so I think I can officially say I am confused without seeming silly.

As a fun fact, it might seem like this website is flat because you're viewing it on a flat screen, but the curvature of this website actually isn't zero. ;-)

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Made with Astrojs, React, and Tailwind.