UCB MATH 113 Notes

These are notes from MATH 113, at UC Berkeley. The course is taught by Aleksandra Utiralova.

Table of Contents

Lecture 1

Remark. I tripped and scraped my knees right before class so my notes may be slightly worse quality this lecture (I'm semi-multitasking).

We start with natural numbers, with only addition and multiplication, integers, with addition, multiplication, and subtraction, rationals, with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and of coures reals with all four operations. We can also consider complex numbers, which are of the form $a + bi$ where $a$ and $b$ are real numbers and we define addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction as usual.

$(\mathbb{N}, +)$ is what we call a monoid, $(\mathbb{Z}, +)$ is what we call a group, $(\mathbb{Z}, +, \times)$ is what we call a ring, and $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$, and $\mathbb{C}$ are all examples of fields.

We discuss some basic set theory and logic but I'll omit that here since it's pretty commonly repeated in practically any math context.

We now discuss functions or maps.

Definition (Function). Let $A$ and $B$ be sets. A function $f$ from $A$ to $B$ denoted $f : A \rightarrow B$ is an assignment of a unique element of $B$ for each element in $A$. $A$ is called the domain of $f$ and $B$ is called the range.

We write $f : a \mapsto b$ if $b = f(a)$. An example of a function with $A = B = \mathbb{N}$ is $f:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$, $n \mapsto n^2$.

Definition (Well-Defined). $f : A \rightarrow B$ is well-defined if $a_1 = a_2 \Rightarrow f(a_1) = f(a_2)$.

Given a function $f: A \rightarrow B$, we can define $f(A)$ to be a subset of $B$ defined as $\{b \in B \;|\; \exists a \in A, f(a) = b\}$. $f(A)$ is called the image of $f$. Similarly, if $C \subset B$, define $f^{-1}(C) = \{a \in A \;|\; f(a) \in C\} \subset A$ to be the preimage of $C$.

Definition (Injective). $f$ is injective if for any $a_1,a_2 \in A$, $f(a_1) = f(a_2) \Rightarrow a_1 = a_2$.

Definition (Surjective). $f$ is surjective if for any $b \in B$, $\exists a \in A$ such that $f(a) = b$. In other words, the image of $A$ is $B$.

Definition (Bijective). $f$ is called bijective or one-to-one if it is both surjective and injective.

Definition (Composition). If $f : A \rightarrow B$, $g : B \rightarrow C$, then we define $g \circ f : A \rightarrow C$ with $g \circ f (a) = g(f(a))$.

Definition (Identity). $Id_A : A \rightarrow A$, $a \mapsto a$

Definition (Left Inverse). If $f : A \rightarrow B$, $g : B \rightarrow A$, $g$ is called a left inverse of $f$ if $g \circ f = Id_A$.

Definition (Right Inverse). If $f : A \rightarrow B$, $g : B \rightarrow A$, $g$ is called a right inverse of $f$ if $f \circ g = Id_B$.

Definition (Inverse). $g$ is the inverse of $f$ if $g$ is both a left and right inverse of $f$ (we can show uniqueness).

Theorem. We have three parts:
  1. $f$ is injective if and only if it has a left inverse
  2. $f$ is surjective if and only if it has a right inverse
  3. $f$ is bijective if and only if it has the inverse
Proof left for me later.

Our next topic is equivalence relations.

Definition (Binary Relation). $R \subset A \times A$ is called a binary relation on $A$, and we write $a\;R\;b$ if $(a,b) \in R$.

Definition (Equivalence Relation). A binary relation $\sim$ is called an equivalence relation if it satisfies three properties:

  1. Reflexive Property
  2. Symmetric Property
  3. Transitive Property
Example. We can consider an equivalence relation on $\mathbb{Z}$ with $x \sim y$ if $x - y$ is even. We check the three properties. First $x \sim x$ is always true since $x - x = 0$ is even. $x \sim y \Rightarrow y \sim x$ is true since $x - y = y - x$ so both or none must be even. Finally $x \sim y$, $y \sim z$ implies that $x - y$ and $y - z$ are both even, so $x - y + y - z = x - z$ must also be even, so $x \sim z$ as desired.
Example. Consider $A = \{\dfrac{a}{b} \;|\; a \in \mathbb{Z}, b \in \mathbb{Z} \backslash \{0\}\}$. We can check easily that $\dfrac{a}{b} \sim \dfrac{c}{d}$ if $ad = bc$ is an equivalence relation.

Definition (Equivalence Class). Suppose we have an equivalence relation $\sim$ on $A$. For $a \in A$, we define $[a] = \{x \in A \;|\; x \sim a \} \subset A$ to be the equivalence class of $a$.

From this definition, we can see that any two equivalence classes are either disjoint or the same. Thus, the whole set is just a disjoint union of equivalence classes. In other words, $A = \sqcup [a]$. $A \backslash \sim = \{ [a] \;|\; a \in A\}$. We have $\pi : A \rightarrow A \backslash \sim$ is sujective, $a \mapsto [a]$.

Now we discuss properties of $\mathbb{Z}$.

Definition (Divides). We say that $d \neq 0$ divides if $a$ if $\exists$ some $b \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $a = db$. We denote this relation by $d \;|\; a$.

Definition (Greatest Common Divisor). For all $a,b \in \mathbb{Z}_{\neq 0}$, there exists a unique $d \in \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}$ called the greatest common divisor (gcd) of $a$ and $b$ such that $d \;|\; a$ and $d \;|\; b$, and for all $c$ such that $c \;|\; a$ and $c \;|\; b$, $c \;|\; d$.

Remark. This might be kind of trivial, but as we can see, the division relation is a partial ordering of the positive integers.

Definition (Least Common Multiple). For all $a, b \in \mathbb{Z}_{\neq 0}$, there exists a unique $l \in \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}$ called the least common multiple of $a$ and $b$ such that $a \;|\; l$ and $b \;|\; l$, and for all $m$ such that $a \;|\; m$ and $b \;|\; m$, $l \;|\; m$.

Theorem. $\gcd(a,b)\text{lcm}(a,b) = ab$
Theorem (Division Theorem). For all $a, b \in \mathbb{Z}_{\neq 0}$, there exists unique $q,r \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $0 \le r < |b|$ such that $a = bq + r$. We call $q$ the quotient and $r$ the remainder.
Remark. We can see that the polynomials also have a similar structure, and we can also use the division theorem on polynomials.
Theorem (Euclidean Algorithm for $\gcd(a,b)$). Take $r_0$ and $r_1$ defined by the remainders from $a = bq_0 + r_0$ and $b = aq_1 + r_1$. Then $\gcd(a,b) = \gcd(r_0, r_1)$. Furthermore, if we consider this process repeatedly, taking $r_{2j} = r_{2j+1}q_{2j+2} + r_{2j + 2}$ and $r_{2j+1} = r_{2j} q_{2j+1} + r_{2j+3}$, we will eventually obtain $r_{n}$ such that $r_{n-1} = q r_{n}$, and $r_{n}$ is $\gcd(a,b)$.
Remark. She stated and proved a slightly different theorem in class, but I omitted that and just put my one above because I think this one is a bit simpler and is more recursive (she essentially wrote it all out).

We can run this algorithm backwards to prove the following therorem:

Theorem (Bezout's Lemma). Let $a, b \in \mathbb{Z}_{\neq 0}$. Then $\exists u, v \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $\gcd(a,b) = au + bv$.

Definition (Prime). $p \in \mathbb{Z}$ is called prime if tis divisors are $q$ and $p$ only.

Theorem. $p \;|\; ab \Rightarrow p \;|\; a$ or $p\;|\; b$.

Lecture 2

Theorem (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic). For all $n \in \mathbb{N}$, $n$ can be expressed as $p_1^{\alpha_1} \cdot p_2^{\alpha_2} \cdot ... \cdot p_n^{\alpha_n}$ where $p_i < p_{i+1}$ in a unique way.

In other words, if you are able to express $n$ as a product of priems in an ordered fashion, any two such expressions must coincide.

Example. In the case of $\gcd$ and $\text{lcm}$, we can see that if $a = p_1^{\alpha_1} p_2^{\alpha_2} ... p_n^{\alpha_n}$ and $b = p_1^{\beta_1} p_2^{\beta_2} ... p_n^{\beta_n}$, then $$\gcd(a,b) = p_1^{\min(\alpha_1, \beta_1)}p_2^{\min(\alpha_2,\beta_2)}...p_n^{\min(\alpha_n,\beta_n)}$$ $$\text{lcm}(a,b) = p_1^{\max(\alpha_1, \beta_1)}p_2^{\max(\alpha_2,\beta_2)}...p_n^{\max(\alpha_n,\beta_n)}$$

Definition (Euler's $\varphi$ function). We define $\varphi : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$, $\varphi(n) = \# \{a \in \mathbb{N} \;|\; \gcd(a,n) = 1, a \le n\}$.

Theorem. For $m, n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $\gcd(m,n) = 1$, $$\varphi(m,n) = \varphi(m)\varphi(n)$$

so we can get the totient of any number from its prime factorization. The above theorem is a corollary of the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

We now consider integers modulo $n$. We say that $a \sim b$ if $n \;|\; a - b$. What we would like to consider is $\mathbb{N}/\sim = \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$.

Proposition. $n\;|\; (a-b)$ if and only if $a$ and $b$ have the same remainder when divided by $n$.

We can then write $\mathbb{Z}/\sim = \{ [0], [1], [2], ..., [n+1]\}$.

We can then consider $\pi : \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ which maps $a \mapsto [a]$. This is called "reduction mod $n$".

We can then define $[a] + [b]$ as taking representative elements, adding them together, and then reducing mod $n$ again. We need to check that this is well-defined. Given $a_1, a_2 \in [a]$ and $b_1, b_2 \in [b]$, $a_1 + b_1 - a_2 - b_2 = (a_1 - a_2) + (b_1 - b_2)$ which is divisible by $n$, so $[a_1 + b_1] = [a_2 + b_2]$ and our addition is indeed well-defined. We can similarly check multiplication.

Another thing we can check is that $0$ and $1$ behave as additive and multiplicative identites.

Example. We would like to find $2^{1000}$ mod 1000. Note that $2^{10} = 1024 \equiv 24 \pmod {100}$, and $2^{20} \equiv 24^2 \equiv 76 \pmod {100}$. Notice that $76^2 \equiv 76 \pmod {100}$. This makes 76 a very nice number mod 100, and in fact, this means that $(2^{20})^n \equiv 76^n \equiv 76 \pmod {100}$. Thus, $2^{1000} \equiv 76 \pmod {100}$.

Definition (Units). Consider $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^\times = \{[a]\in\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \;|\; \exists b \in \mathbb{Z}, [a][b] = [1]\}$. This is the set of invertible elements, or units.

Proposition. $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^\times = \{[a] \;|\; 0 < a \le n, \gcd(a,n) = 1\}$.

Suppose $\gcd(a,b) = 1$. Then $\exists u, v \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $au + nv = 1$. Then $[a][u] + [0] = [1]$, so $[u]$ is the inverse of $[a]$ as desired.

We now consider the reverse direction. Suppose $\gcd(a,b) = d \neq 1$. Define $m = \dfrac{n}{d} \in \mathbb{Z}$. Then $[m][a] = [0]$, so $n \;|\; ma$. Thus $[a]$ cannmot be invertible. This is because if $[a][b] = [1]$, then $[m][a][b] = [m]$, but then $[0] = [m]$ which is a contradiction.


Corollary. $\left | \left(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}\right)^\times \right | = \varphi(n).$
Remark. Note that one thing that does not happen with the integers is that $[1] + [1] + ... + [1] = [0]$ with addition being done $n$ times.
Theorem (Fermat's Little Theorem). For any $a$ and prime $p$, $a^p \equiv a \pmod p$.
Lemma (A.K.A. "Freshman's Dream"). $(x + y)^p \equiv x^p + y^p \pmod p$.
Proof by Binomial Theorem. Proof of Theorem.

We use induction. Simply consider base case $0^p \equiv 0 \pmod p$. Then $a^p \equiv a \pmod p \Rightarrow (a+1)^p \equiv a^p + 1^p \equiv a + 1 \pmod p$ as desired.


Remark. Nice proof.

We finally get to groups.

Definition (Binary Operation). A binary operation $*$ on a set $G$ is a function $* : G \times G \rightarrow G$. We use notation $a * b = *(a,b)$.

Definition (Associativity). A binary operation $*$ on $G$ is associative if $(a*b)*c = a*(b*c)$ for all $a,b,c \in G$.

Definition (Commutativity). A binary operation $*$ on $G$ is commutative if $a * b = b * a$ for all $a, b \in G$.

Definition (Group). A group is a pair $(G, *)$ where $G$ is a set and $*$ is a binary operation on $G$ such that $*$ is associative, there exists $e \in G$ such that $ea = ae = a$ for all $a \in G$, and for each $a \in G$, there exists $a^{-1} \in G$ such that $aa^{-1} = a^{-1}a = e$.

Definition (Abelian Group). A group $(G, *)$ is called commutative or Abelian if $*$ is commutative.

  1. $(\mathbb{N}, +)$ is not a group
  2. $(\mathbb{Z}, +)$ is a commutative group
  3. $(\mathbb{R}, +)$ is a commutative group
  4. $(\mathbb{C}, +)$ is a commutative group
  5. $(\mathbb{Q}, +)$ is a commutative group
  6. $(\mathbb{R}\backslash \{0\}, \times)$ is a commutative group
  7. $(\mathbb{R}_{>0}, \times)$ is a commutative group
  8. $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}, +)$ is a commutative group
  9. $((\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^\times, \times)$ is a commutative group
We might want to check that the last example above is actually still a group, and we can see that it is closed since if $[a]$ and $[b]$ are two invertible elements, then $[a][b]$ is also invertible.

Definition (Monoid). A monoid is a pair $(M,*)$ where $M$ is a set and $*$ is a binary operation on $M$ such that $*$ is associative. Sometimes, people also require that monoids have identity elements.

  1. $(\mathbb{N}, +)$ is a monoid
  2. $(\mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}, +)$ is a monoid with identity
Remark. Every group is a monoid, but not every monoid is a group.
Example. Notice that if $(A, *)$ is a group and $(B, \circ)$ is a group, then $(A \times B, \cdot)$ is a group with the underlying set $(A \times B)$ and operation $(a_1, b_1) \cdot (a_2, b_2) = (a_1 * a_2, b_1 \circ b_2)$ where $a_1, a_2 \in A$ and $b_1, b_2 \in B$.
Example (Free monoid on $n$ generators). This is the set $$\{w_1w_2...w_n \;|\; \text{where } k \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}, w_i \in \{a_1,...a_n\}\}$$ with the operation $w_1w_2...w_k * u_1u_2...u_j = w_1w_2...w_k u_1u_2...u_j$.

Lecture 3

Remark. We will often use the multiplicative notation for groups. Here, for example consider $(\mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z}, +)$. Then by denoting $[0]$ by $1$ and $[1]$ by $x$, we can denote $[2]$ with $x^2$ and $[3]$ with $x^3$. Then we get the multiplicative notation $\{1,x,x^2,x^3\}$.

We now discuss the free monoid and the free group (hehehe we discussed this in MUSA 174).

Remark. The issue that we have is that there isn't an obvious way to use our symbols to expand the free monoid into a free group. Thus, we forcibly add inverses into the free monoid to make the free group defined below, noting that we have to be careful about some edge cases since elements next to their inverses should technically merge to the empty word.

Definition (Free Group). The free group with generators $a_1, ..., a_n$ is the free monoid but also with the added symbols $a_1^{-1}, ..., a_n^{-1}$ under the condition that all words cannot have $a_i$ and $a_i^{-1}$ neighboring each other. The definitions of multiplication now are pretty clear.

Example. The free group with generator $x$ is like: $(\{e, x, x^{-1}, x^2, x^{-2}, x^3, ...\}, \cdot)$. We cam see this through a tiny amount of experimentation.
  1. The identity is unique
  2. The inverse is unique (i.e. $g \mapsto g^{-1}$ is a function $G \rightarrow G$)
  3. $(a^{-1})^{-1} = a$
  4. $(ab)^{-1} = b^{-1}a^{-1}$
  5. $a_1 ... a_n$ doesn't depend on bracketing

(1) Suppose $e_1$ and $e_2$ are identities. Then $e_1 = e_1e_2 = e_2$ as desired.

(2) Suppsoe $h_1$ and $h_2$ are inverses. Then $h_1 = h_1 e = h_1(gh_2) = (h_1g)h_2 = eh_2 = h_2$ as desired.

(3) $aa^{-1} = a^{-1}a = e$ so this follows from the uniqueness above and definition of inverse.

(4) $ab \cdot b^{-1} a^{-1} = aa^{-1} = e$, $b^{-1} a^{-1} a b = b^{-1} b = e$ as desired.

(5) can be shown via induction.


Theorem. The equations $ax = b$ and $ya = b$ have unique solutions in $G$ for $x$ and $y$ (for any fixed $a, b \in G$). In particular, $au = av \Rightarrow u = v$ and $ua = va \Rightarrow u = v$.

We first show that the solution is unique if it exists. Consider $ax = b$. We have $a^{-1} a x = a^{-1} b$ so $x = a^{-1} b$. We can then show that this solution actully is a solution: $a(a^{-1} b) = (aa^{-1})b = b$ as desired. Similarly, $ya = b$ implies that $yaa^{-1} = ba^{-1}$ so $y = ba^{-1}$, and $ba^{-1}a = b$ as desired. The particular case follows.


Definition (Order). The order of an element $x \in G$ (denoted $|x|$) is the minimal natural number $n \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{\infty\}$ such that $x^n = e$.

Theorem. If $G$ is finite, then every element has finite order.

Let $x \in G$. Then $\{1, x, x^2, ...\} \subseteq G$, so not elements are distinct. Thus there exist $k < l$ such that $x^k = x^l$. Thus, $1 = x^{l- k}$, so the order is at most $l - k$. Thus $x$ has finite order.


Remark. (I didn't write it explicitely here so it might be hrader to see) this proof relies on the Well-Ordering Principle. Basically we are saying that the set $\{n \in \mathbb{N} \;|\; x^n = 1 \} \subseteq \mathbb{N}$ is nonempty and thus has a minimal element by the Well-Ordering Principle.
Remark. I'm having flashbacks to the last parts of linear algebra where we defined tensors and we used free vector spaces? or smth.

Definition (Symmetric Group). $\Omega$ a set, $S_{\Omega} = \{\text{bijections }\Omega \rightarrow \Omega\}$. The operation is composition.

Claim. The symmetric group is indeed a group.
Proof. $$(u \circ v) \circ w [\omega] = (u \circ v) (w(\omega))$$ $$ = u(v(w(\omega)))$$ $$= u \circ (v \circ w (\omega))$$ The identity sends each element to itself. Also, each bijection has an inverse.


Note that when $\Omega = \{1, ..., n\}$, $S_{\Omega} = S_n$. Bijections from $\{1,...,n\}$ to itself are called permutations.

Definition. A cycle of length $k$ $(a_1, a_2,...,a_k) = w \in S_n$, $a_i \in \{1,...,n\}$, $a_i \neq a_j$ if $i \neq j$.

Remark. $\{1,...,n\} \subseteq \{1,...,n+1\}$. If $a_i \in \{1,...,n\} \subseteq \{1,...,m\}$, $(a_1,...,a_k) \in S_m$ for all $m \ge n$.

Definition (Transposition). A permutation which swaps two elements and keeps all other elements the same. (I give a loose definition here but obviously there is a better more rigorous definition).

$(a_1,...,a_{m_1})(a_{m_1 + 1},...,a_{m_2})...(a_{m_k+1},...,a_{m_{k+1}})$ is a product of disjoint cycles, where $a_j$ are pairwise distinct elements in $\{1,...,n\}$. This defines a permutation.

Example. For example, $(12)(34) = (34)(12)$ which maps $1,2,3,4$ to $2,1,4,3$. Also note that we can have $(5)$ a cycle of length 1.
Theorem. Every permutation in $S_n$ can be written as a product of disjoint cycles.
We will prove this next time.

Lecture 4

Remark. Prediction: Induction on $n$.
Remark. There is more than one way to write a cycle. For example, $(123) = (231) = (312)$.

We now prove the theorem.

Theorem. Every permutation $w$ in $S_n$ can be written as a product of disjoint cycles.
Rough Proof.

Smoothing up the proof is left to the reader. It's basically yeah induction = algorithm. Pick the smallest element such that it is not yet in a cycle. If there is no such element, we are done. Otherwise, call the element $a$. Let $b = w(a)$. If $b = a$, then close the bracket and go back to step 1. Otherwise, let $c = w(b)$. Let $b = c$ and repeat the process. We claim that this process must terminate. This is because otherwise the permutation is infinite. It is not precisely necessary, but we generally erase all cycles of length 1.


Remark. I sorta don't like the last part because like yes we commit notation abuse all the time but if we erase all cycles of length 1, we cannot tell immediately what $S_n$ a product of disjoint cycles is a subset of. In some sense this may not be a problem though since we can view everything as infinite permutations or something.
Remark. Now we can easily compute orders of elements.

Now suppose we have a cycle decomposition $(a_1,...,a_{m_1})(a_{m_1+1},...,a_{m_2})...(a_{m_{k-1}+1}...a_{m_k})$ then notice that we can actually compute squaring and other things by doing things individually on the cycles. For example, $(123)(45)(6)(789 \:10)$, the square is $(132)(45)(6)(79)(8\:10)$.

Strat. Note that $(123)$ can be squared easily by noting that $(123)$ cubed is the identity, so the square is the inverse of $(123)$, which is the same as reading it backwards, or $(132)$.

Now we have that the order of an element is the length of the cycle it is a part of, and $|w|$ is the $\text{lcm}$ of the orders of the individual elements, or $\text{lcm} (m_1,m_2,...,m_k)$.

Remark. $$(12)(23) = (123)$$ $$(23)(12) = (132)$$ $$(12)^{-1} = (12) = a$$ $$(23)^{-1} = (23) = b$$ $$(ab)^{-1} = b^{-1} a^{-1} = ba$$ $$(12)(123) = (23)$$ $$(123)(12) = 13$$
A corollary from the remark is
Corollary. $S_n$ is not commutative for $n \ge 3$.

Definition. Let $G$ be a group and let $S$ be a subset of $G$. Let $S = \{s_1,...,s_n\}$ be finite. We say that $G$ is generated by $S$ if every element $g \in G$ can be written as a product of elements in $S$ and their inverses.

If $g = w_1w_2...w_k$ such that $w_i \in S \cup S^{-1}$ (where $S^{-1}$ is th eset of the inverses), and $s_i$ does not neighbor $s_i^{-1}$, then we call the word a reduced expression for $g$.

  1. $S_n$ is generated by transpositions $S = \{(ij) \;|\; i < j\}$, $|S| = {n \choose 2}$.
  2. $S_n$ is generated by $S = \{(i,i+1) \;|\; i \in \{1,...,n-1\}\}$ (let $s_i$ be the transposition between $i$ and $i+1$ or $(i,i+1)$.

For (1), she gave an example and thus an algorithm. I propose instead a smaller lemma which does everything for us:

Lemma. Any cycle can be expressed as a product of transpositions.

The proof is pretty much exactly the same, just slightly different. See the previous remark, proof left to reader since it's pretty simple. Basically if we have $(1234) = (14)(13)(12)$.

For (2), do the homework. It follows from (1).

Definition. A presentation of a group $G$ is the data of $\langle S \;|\; R_1 = ... = R_m = 1\rangle$, $S$ is the set generating $G$, and $R_i$ is a reduced expression in cuts of $S$.

We have $s_i^2 = 1$, $(s_is_j)^2 = 1$ if $|i-j|^2 > 1$, and $(s_is_{i+1})^3 = 1$. We can write: $$S_n = \langle s_1,...,s_{n-1} \;|\; s_i^2=1,(s_is_j)^2 = 1 \text{ if } |i - j| > 1, (s_is_{i+1})^3 = 1)\rangle$$

Definition (Dihedral Group). $D_{2n} = \{\text{symmetries of a regular }n-\text{gon}\}$. For example, you can rotate (for example by $\dfrac{2\pi}{n}$ radians). We can get all rotations by composing the smallest rotation. There are also reflections.

Notice that there are $n$ rotations and $n$ reflections (reflections needs a bit of casework on the parity of $n$). The reason we call it $D_{2n}$ and not $D_n$ is that $|D_{2n}| = 2n$ (1 identity, $n-1$ rotations, $n$ reflections).

We have an injective map from $D_{2n}$ to $S_n$, going from the symmetry to its action on the vertices. On the other hand, this map is not surjective since not every permutation is a bunch of symmetries on the $n$-gon.

Notice that each symmetry is determined by the image of two neighboring vertices.

Now if $r$ is a rotation by $\dfrac{2\pi}{n}$, then $r$ has order $n$. We have $D_{2n} = \{1,r,...,r^{n-1}, s, sr,sr^2,...,sr^{n-1}\}$ because it turns out that all of the rotations are $s$ (one of the rotations) composed with one of the rotations. In particulary, we can see that $r$ and $s$ generate $D_{2n}$. We will investigate these properties more thoroughly next time.

Lecture 5

Last time we discussed $D_{2n}$. We note that the identity and rotations are orientation preserving and the reflections change the orientation.

Claim. We have: $$D_{2n} = \{1,r,...,r^{n-1}, s, sr,sr^2,...,sr^{n-1}\}$$

We can already see that the rotations are all different, and we can see that all the reflections are different than the rotations. What we must show is that $sr^i \neq sr^j$ when $i,j < n$. We can see this by noting that $s(1) = 1$, $sr(n) = 1$, and so on until $sr^{n-1}(2) = 1$. Alternatively, suppose that $sr^i = sr^j$. Then $r^{-j} s^{-1} s r^i = 1 \Rightarrow r^{i-j} = 1$. But then $i = j$.


Consider $rs$. Notice that $rs = sr^{-1}$. We can check this by noticing that $rs(1) = 2, rs(2) =1$, and $sr^{-1}(1) = 2, sr^{-1}(2) = 1$.

Claim. $r^k s = sr^{-k}$.
Proof by induction.
Remark. This is so powerful...
Theorem. $\mathcal{D}_{2n} = \langle r,s \;|\; r^n = s^2 = 1, rs = sr^{-1} \rangle$.

Notice that every element in $\langle r,s \;|\; r^n = s^2 = 1, rs = sr^{-1}\rangle$ can be expressed in terms of $r$ and $s$ (without inverses). This is because the first rule allows us to exchange an inverse with a larger power of $r$ or $s$. We can also use the first rule to bring the size of a string of consecutive $r$s or $s$s down to less than $n$ $r$s or less than 2 $s$s. In other words, every word can be written as $r^{m_1} s r^{m_2} s ... s r^{m_k}$, with $m_1,m_k$ allowed to be zero, and $m_i \le n-1$. The middle $m_i$s may not be zero. Finally, the last rule allows us to commute all $s$s in the above string to the left, resulting in $s^{k-1} r^{M}$. Finally, we can reduce powers using the first rule again to get $sr^{m}$, with $m < n$. Thus the element is equal to an element in $\{1,r,...,r^{n-1}, s, sr,sr^2,...,sr^{n-1}\}$ as desired.


Remark. Wait couldn't we use this kind of proof idea to write an $O(n)$ algorithm for smth cool? Although I don't know what, it's just a feeling.

Definition (Homomorphism). A map that preserves the structure while changing the set. More precisely, it is a map $\phi : (G, \circ) \rightarrow (H, *)$, such that $\phi(a \circ b) = \phi(a) * \phi(b)$.

Exercise. $\phi(e_G) = e_H$. Moreover, for all $g \in G$, $\phi(g)^{-1} = \phi(g^{-1})$.


  1. A bijective homomorphism $\phi : G \rightarrow H$ is called an isomorphism.
  2. If $\exists$ an isomorphism between $G$ and $H$, we say that $G$ is isomorphic to $H$. Denoted by $G \cong H$.
  3. A homomorphism that maps $G$ to itself is called an endomorphism.
  4. A bijective endomorphism is called an automorphism.

  1. The identity map from $G$ to itself is an automorphism.
  2. $\phi : G \rightarrow H$ is the trivial map, $g \mapsto e_H$, which is a homomorphism.
  3. $(\mathbb{Z}, +) \rightarrow (\mathbb{Q}, +)$ is an injective homomorphism.
  4. Recall that we have a map $\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$, $a \mapsto [a]$. This is a homomorphism. Specifically, it is a surjective homomorphism.
  5. $\mathcal{D}_{2n} \rightarrow S_n$ is an injective homomorphism.
  6. $\exp : (\mathbb{R}, +) \rightarrow (\mathbb{R}_{> 0}, \times)$ is an isomorphism, so $(\mathbb{R}, +) \cong (\mathbb{R}_{>0}, \times)$.
  7. Consider $(\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z})^\times$. It has two elements $\{[1], [-1]\}$. Similarly, $\mathbb{Z} /2\mathbb{Z} = \{[0], [1]\}$. In fact, $(\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z})^\times \cong \mathbb{Z} /2\mathbb{Z}$.
  8. If $\phi : G \rightarrow H$ is an isomorphism, then $\phi^{-1} : H \rightarrow G$ is also an isomorphism.
Remark. Notice that if we have homomorphisms $\phi : G \rightarrow H$, $\psi : H \rightarrow K$, then $\psi \circ \phi : G \rightarrow K$ is also a homomorphism. This can be verified very quickly, I won't include it here.

Notice that $G \cong G$ via the identity map, $G \cong H$ implies $H \cong G$, and the transitive property also holds. Thus, $\cong$ is an eqiuvalence relation. Essentially, this just means that we can mainly worry about groups up to this isomorphism.

Claim. If $G \cong H$, $\phi : G \rightarrow H$ is the isomorphism,
  1. $G$ is finite if and only if $H$ is finite, and if both are finite, then $|G| = |H|$.
  2. $G$ is abelian if and only if $H$ is commutative.
  3. For all $x \in G$, $|x| = |\phi(x)|$.

(1) follows directly from the isomorphism being a bijection. For (2), suppose $H$ is commutative, but $G$ is not. Then there must be $h_1, h_2$ such that $h_1h_2 \neq h_2h_1$. But then $\phi(h_1)\phi(h_2) = \phi(h_1h_2) \neq \phi(h_2h_1) = \phi(h_2) \phi(h_1)$ by injectivity which is a contradiction. For the other direction, use the fact that $\phi$ being an isomorphism implies that $\phi^{-1}$ is also an isomorphism. For (3), notice that $x^n = 1$ if and only if $\phi(x)^n = 1$, which completes the proof.


  1. We can see that $\mathbb{Z}/6\mathbb{Z} \not\cong S_3$ just by noticing that the first group is abelian whereas the second is not.
  2. Notice that in $(\mathbb{R}, +)$ every element has infinite order, whereas in $(\mathbb{R}\backslash \{0\}, \times)$, $-1^2 = 1$ so $-1$ has order 2. Thus they are not isomorphic.
  3. $S_{\Omega} \cong S_{\Delta}$ if and only if $|\Omega| = |\Delta|$ assuming $|\Omega|, |\Delta| < \infty$.
Remark. (3) extends to countably infinite as well?

Definition (Kernel). If $\phi : G \rightarrow H$ is a homomorphism, the kernel of $\phi$ $\text{Ker}(\phi) = \{g \in G \;|\; \phi(g) = e_H\}$.

Claim. $\phi$ is injective if and only if $\ker(\phi) = \{e_G\}$.

The first direction is obvious. Suppose $\ker (\phi) = \{e_G\}$ and suppose $\phi(a) = \phi(b)$. Then $\phi(ab^{-1}) = e_H$. Thus $ab \in \ker(\phi)$, so $ab^{-1} = e_G$, so $a = b$.


Definition (Image). $\text{Im}(\phi) = \{\phi(g) \;|\; g \in G\}$.

Theorem. $\phi$ is surjective if and only if $\text{Im}(\phi) = H$.

Lecture 6

Consider homomorphism $\varphi: G \rightarrow H$. Let $G = \langle s_1,...,s_n \;|\; R_1 = ... = R_m = 1\rangle$ where $R_j = s_{i_1}^{\epsilon_1} ... s_{i_{k_j}}^{e_{k_j}}$ for $i_l \in \{1,...,n\}$ and $\epsilon_j \in \{-1,1\}$. We have $\varphi(s_i) = r_i \in H$, $\varphi(1) = 1$. $\varphi(s_{i_1}^{\epsilon_1} . . . s_{i_{k_j}}^{\epsilon_{k_j}} = r_{i_1}^{\epsilon_1} ... r_{k_j}^{\epsilon_{k_j}} \in H$. Additiionally, $\varphi(R_j) = R_j[r_1...r_n]$. We can verify $\varphi(1) = 1$.

Theorem. Let $G = \langle s_1,...,s_n \;|\; R_1 = ... = R_m = 1\rangle$. $$\text{Hom}(G,H) \rightarrow \{(r_1,...,r_n)\in H^n \;|\; R_j[r_1,...,r_n] = 1 \in H\}$$
Example. One example is $t : G \rightarrow H$, $g \mapsto 1$. Then $t \mapsto (1,...,1)$. Another example is $D_{2n} = \langle r,s \;|\; r^n = s^2 = 1, sr = srs^{-1}r = 1\rangle$. Let $\varphi : D_{2n} \rightarrow D_{2d}$ where $d$ is not necessarily the same as $n$. We have $\varphi(r) = r_1$, $\varphi(s) = s_1$. $s_1^2 = 1 \Rightarrow \varphi(s^2) = 1$. $s_1r_1 = r_1^{-1}s \Rightarrow \varphi(sr) = \varphi(r^{-1}s)$, $r_1^n = 1$ implies $\varphi(r^n) = 1$. From this wee see that such a homomorphism exists if and only if $d\;|\;n$ (proved fairly quickly so omitted).

$\varphi : D_{2n} \rightarrow S_n$, $r \mapsto (1,2,3...,n)$, $s \mapsto (2\; n)(3 \;n-1)...$

Example. We can see $D_6 \cong S_3$, $r \mapsto (123)$, $s \mapsto (23)$. The way that we see this is an isomorphism is by noting that $S_3 = \langle (12, (23)\rangle$, so since $rs \mapsto (123)(23) = (12)$, we can simply see that $S_3 = \langle \varphi(rs), \varphi(s)\rangle$.

Definition (Subgroup). A $H \subset G$ is called a subgroup if it is closed under the binary operation of $G$ and also closed under inverses. Additionally, the identity is a part of $H$. We denote subgroups with $H \le G$ to distinguish from subset.

Remark. The last property is only included to prevent empty subgroups.
Remark. $H$ is a group when we restrict the operation on $G$ to it. Also, the identity of $G$ is the group identity of $H$.
  1. $\{e\}, G \le G$
  2. $(\mathbb{Z},+) \subset (\mathbb{Q}, +)$
  3. $(\mathbb{Q}, +) \le (\mathbb{R}, +)$
  4. $(\mathbb{R}, +) \le (\mathbb{C}, +)$
  5. $(\mathbb{Q}_{>0}, \times) \le (\mathbb{Q}_{\neq 0}, \times)$
  6. $(\mathbb{Q}_{>0}, \times) \le (\mathbb{R}_{>0}, \times$
  7. $(\mathbb{Q}_{\neq 0}, \times) \le (\mathbb{R}_{\neq 0}, \times)$
  1. $\mathbb{N} \subset \mathbb{Z}$ is not a subgroup under addition because it is not closed under inverses.
  2. $\left(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}\right)^\times \subset \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ is not a subgroup as they have different operations.
Claim. If $H \le G$, $K \le H$, then $L \le G$.

From the above claim, we could have written:

Remark. Category theory flashbacks... natural transformation?! Poset category? Later Revision: Not exactly...
  1. $\{1,r,r^2,...,r^{n-1}\} = A \subset D_{2n}$, $A \le D_{2n}$.
  2. $m\mathbb{Z} = \{ n \in \mathbb{Z}, \;|\; m \;|\; n\}$. $m\mathbb{Z} \le (\mathbb{Z}, +)$
Proposition (Subgroup Criterion). $H \le G$ if and only if
  1. $H \neq \varnothing$
  2. $\forall x, y\in H$, $xy^{-1} \in H$

Suppose $H$ satisfies (1) and (2). Take $x \in H$. $1 = xx^{-1} \in H$. For all $x \in H$, $1 \cdot x^{-1} = x^{-1} \in H$. For all $x, y \in H$, $y^{-1} \in H$. $x \cdot (y^{-1})^{-1} = xy \in H$. The other direction is trivial.


Definition (Centralizer). $A \subset G$ any subset. The centralizer of $A$ in $G$ is $C_G(A) = \{g \in G\;|\; g a g^{-1} = a\; \forall a \in A\}$.

Remark. $\Leftrightarrow ga = ag$.
Claim. $C_G(A) \le G$.

Consider $x,y \in C_G(A)$. We have $yay^{-1} = a$ for all $a \in A$. Thus $a = y^{-1}yay^{-1}y = y^{-1}ay \Rightarrow y^{-1} \in C_G(A)$. Additionally, for all $a \in A$, $(xy^{-1}) a (xy^{-1})^{-1} = xy^{-1}ayx^{-1} = xax^{-1} = a$, so $xy^{-1} \in C_G(A)$. Thus, by the previous proposition, $C_G(A)$ is a subgroup.


Definition (Normalizer). Consider $A \subset G$, so $g \in G$, $G \supset g A g^{-1} = \{gag^{-1} \;|\; a \in A\}$. The normalizer of $A$ in $G$ is $$N_G(A) = \{g \in G \;|\; gAg^{-1} = A\}$$

Remark. $C_G(A) \subset N_G(A)$.
Claim. $N_G(A) \le G$.

Let $x,y \in N_G(A)$. Then $y Ay^{-1} = A$. Consider the map $f_y : A \rightarrow A$, $a \mapsto yay^{-1}$. Then $yay^{-1} = yby^{-1} \Rightarrow a = b$, so $f_y$ is injective and thus a bijection. Thus it must have an inverse. We claim that $f^{-1}_y : A \rightarrow A$, $a \mapsto y{-1}ay$. We have $f^{-1}_y f_y (a) = y^{-1}(yay^{-1})y = a$ as desired. Thus $y^{-1} \in N_G(A)$. Additionally, we have $xy^{-1} A yx^{-1} = xAx^{-1} = A$, so $xy^{-1} \in N_G(A)$. Thus the subgroup criterion implies that it is a subgroup.


Definition (Center). The center of $G$ is $Z_G = \{g \in G \;|\; \forall h \in G, hg=gh\}$. Alternatively, $Z_G = C_G(G)$.

  1. If $G$ is abelian, for all $A \subset G$, $Z_G = C_G(A) = N_G(A) = G$.
  2. $A = \varnothing$, $G$ is any group, $C_G(A) = N_G(A) = G$
  3. $D_8 = G$, $Z_{D_8} = \{1,r^2\}$. Consider $A = \{1, r, r^2, r^3\}$. Then $C_G(A) = A$, and $N_G(A) = G$.

Definition (Conjugation). $gag^{-1}$ is conjugation of $a$ by $g$.

Consider $G = S_{n}$, and let $w$ and $u$ be two permutations.

Claim. If $u$ sends $i$ to $j$, then $wuw^{-1}$ sends $w(i)$ to $w(j)$.

We have $wuw^{-1}(w(i)) = wu(i) = w(j)$ as desired.


Remark. This result seems so trivial yet so deep...
Corollary. $Z_{S_n} = \{e\}$ for $n \neq 2$.
Remark. Yet another reason to love 2.

If $w \in Z_{S_n}$. Suppose $w(i) = j$, $j \neq i$. Take $k$ such that $k \neq i$, $k \neq j$. $w(i\; k)w^{-1} = (ik) \neq (jw_k)$.


Remark. $(i \; j)$ is a transposition.

Lecture 7

We consider conjugation in $S_n$.

Remark. I was a bit late so it's possible I missed something small at the beginning.

We have that for $\Omega \subset \{1,2,...,n\}$, $S_{\Omega} \subseteq S_n$, and $S_\Omega$ is isomorphic to $S_m$ for some $m \le n$.

Consider $\Omega = \{3,4,...,n\}$ so $S_{\Omega} \le S_n$. Every element in $C_{S_n}((12))$ is either $w \in S_{\Omega}$ or $w(12)$ for $w \in S_{\Omega}$. Therefore $C_{S_n}((12)) \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \times S_{n-2}$, $\varphi : \mathbb{Z} / 2\mathbb{Z} \times S_{\Omega} \rightarrow C_{S_n}((12))$. $\varphi : ([0], w) \mapsto w$, $([1],w) \mapsto (12)w$. $([1],u)\cdot([1],w) \mapsto (12)u(12)w = uw$. Then $\text{Ker} \varphi = \{([0], e)\}$, and $C_{S_n} ((12)) = N_{S_n} ((12))$. $\varphi(([0],u) \cdot ([1],w))) = \varphi([0], uw) = uw$.

Furthermore, we have that $C_{S_n}((12)) = N_{S_n}((12))$.

Remark. If $A \le G$, then $N_G(A) \ge A$ because for all $a,b \in A$, $aba^{-1} \in A$. Also, note that $C_{S_n}((12)) = C_{S_n} (\{e, (12)\})$.

We now discuss subgroups generated by subsets.

Definition (Subgroup Generated by a Subset). Given $A \subset G$, $\langle A\rangle = \bigcap_{H \le G, A \subset H} H$ is the subgroup generated by $A$.

  1. $\langle (12)\rangle = \{e, (12)\}$
  2. $\langle r \rangle = \{e,r,r^2, r^3, ...,r^{n-1} \} \le D_{2n}$
Claim. $$\langle A \rangle = \left\{a_1^{\epsilon_1}...a_n^{\epsilon_n} \;|\; a_i \in A, \epsilon_i \in \{1,-1\}, n \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}\right\}$$

$G$ is generated by elements of $A \subseteq G$ if and only if $G = \langle A \rangle$.

  1. $\langle G \rangle = G$
  2. $\langle \varnothing \rangle = \{e\}$
  3. $S_{k+1} = \langle (i \; i + 1) \;|\; i \in \{1,...,k\} \rangle \subset S_n$
  4. $D_{2n} = \langle r, s \rangle$
  5. $S_n = \langle (i \; i+1) \;|\; i \in \{1,...,n-1\}\rangle$
Example (Claim). Notice that $\langle (123) \rangle = \{ e, (123), (132) \} \cong \mathbb{Z} / 3\mathbb{Z}$.

Definition (Cyclic). A subgroup generated by a single element $x$ is called cyclic ($x$ is called a generator). Equivalently, $G$ is called cyclic if $G = \langle x \rangle$ for some $x \in G$.

Remark. The generator does not have to be unique.
  1. $\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z} = \langle [1]\rangle$
  2. $\mathbb{Z} = \langle 1 \rangle$
  1. If $G$ is cyclic then it is abelian.
  2. If $H = \langle x\rangle then $|G| = |x|$.

Pretty straightforward, I leave it to you, the reader (mwehehe).

Example. Consider $\mathbb{Z} / 2 \mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z} / 3 \mathbb{Z}$. It is not cyclic, but it is abelian. This can be quickly seen by listing the elements, and noting that the order of any element is less than the order of the group. We will eventually show the Chinese Remainder Theorem, essentially that any ablian group can be written as a product of cyclic groups. But also notice that $\mathbb{Z} / n \mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z} / m\mathbb{Z}$ is cycle if and only if $\gcd(n,m) = 1$. We show one direction below.
Theorem. $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$ is cyclic if $\gcd(n,m) = 1$.

Suppose $G$ is finite. $G$ is cyclic if and only if $\exists x \in G$, $|x| = |G|$. Using a result form the homework, $|([1],[1])| = \text{lcm}(n,m) = nm$.


  1. If $x \in G$, $|x| = n$, then $x^a = 1$ if and only if $n \;|\; a$.
  2. If $G = \langle x \rangle$, $|x| = n$, then $|x^a| = \dfrac{n}{\gcd(n,a)}$

We start with the first part. If $x^a = 1$, then by the division algorithm $a = n q + r$, so $x^r = 1$ and $r$ is between 0 and $n-1$ so $r = 0$. Thus, $x^a = 1$ if and only if $a$ is divisible by $n$.

Now the second part.Consider $d = \gcd(n,a)$, $n = dc$, $a = db$, and $\gcd(c,b) = 1$. $(x^a)^c = x^{dbc} = (x^n)^b = 1$. If $(x^a)^l = 1$, then notice that $n \;|\; al$. Sine $n = dc$, and $a= db$, $dc \;|\; dbl$, so $c \;|\; bl$, so $c \;|\; l$ which is exactly what we wanted.


If $\gcd(n,m) = d > 1$, then $|([a],[b])| = \text{lcm}(\dfrac{n}{\gcd(n,a)}, \dfrac{m}{\gcd(m,b)}) = \dfrac{n}{\gcd(n,a)} \cdot \dfrac{m}{\gcd(m,b)} < nm$ if $[1] = x$ and $[a] = x^a$.

Theorem. If $G = \langle x\rangle$,
  1. If $|G| = \infty$, then $G \cong \mathbb{Z}$
  2. If $|G| = n$, then $G \cong \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$

We start with the first part. $G= \{1,x,x^{-1}, x^2, x^{-2}\}$, $\varphi : \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow G$, $k \mapsto x^k$. For the second part, consider $\varphi : \mathbb{Z} / n\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow G$, with $[k] \mapsto x^k$.


From this we get the other direction of the previous theorem:

Theorem. If $\gcd(n,m) = 1$, then $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z} \cong \mathbb{Z}/nm\mathbb{Z}$.
Theorem. If $G = \langle x \rangle$, $|x| = n$, then $G = \langle x^a \rangle$ if and only if $\gcd(a,n) = 1$. In particular, the number of generators in $G$ is $\varphi(n)$.

Lecture 8

Theorem. Suppose $G = \langle x \rangle$.
  1. Every subgroup $K \le G$ is also cyclic
  2. If $|x| = n < \infty$, then $\forall a \;|\; n$, there exists a unique $K \le G$ such that $|K| = a$.

We start with (1). If $K = \{1\}$, we are done. Suppose $K \neq \{1\}$. $$\{ n \in \mathbb{N} \;|\; x^n \in K \} \neq \varnothing$$ Let $l$ be a minimal such number. $K = \langle x^l \rangle$, because if $x^m \in K$, $x^m \cdot x^{-lq} = x^r \in K$. ($m = lq + r$, $0 \le r \le l$). Since $l$ is minimal, $r = 0$.

Remark. There may be stuff missing from the above; I sort of rushed it because I came in a bit late.

Now we consider (2). $K = \langle x^{n/a} \rangle$. $|x^{n/a} = a \Rightarrow |K| = a$. If $|K'| = a$, let $K = \langle x^l \rangle$. $|x^l| = \dfrac{n}{\gcd(n,l)} = a$, so $\gcd(n,l) = \dfrac{n}{a}$. Thus $\dfrac{n}{a} \;|\; l$. We now have $K=\langle x^{n/a} \rangle \ge \langle x^l \rangle = K'$. But $|K| = |K'|$ and are finite, so $K = K'$.


Remark. Now we know that the number of subgroups of $\mathbb{Z} / n\mathbb{Z}$ is the number of divisors of $n$. In particular, $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ for prime $p$ are simple groups and behave like primes. Notice that all subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}$ are of the form $m\mathbb{Z}$ since $\langle k, l\rangle = \{ak + bl \;|\; a,b \in \mathbb{Z} \} = \langle \gcd(k,l)\rangle$.
  1. $C_G (A) = C_G(\langle A \rangle )$
  2. $N_G(A) \le N_G(\langle A \rangle)$ ($N_G(A) = N_G(\langle A \rangle)$?)
  3. $\langle A \rangle \le N_G(\langle A \rangle)$

We can see that $C_G(\langle A \rangle) \le C_G(A)$ is fairly quick. Now suppose $g \in C_G(A)$. Then $gag^{-1} = a$ for all $a$. Now notice that $ga^{-1}g^{-1} = a^{-1}$ since the left and right hand sides of the second equation are the inverses of the left and right hand sides of the first equation. Then, notice that we have a multiplicative ness of the property. The rest is left for me later so that I can get a better handle of conjugation (and also because I feel like writing it down later and it's fairly simple to derive).

Definition (Group Action). A left action of a group $G$ on a set $A$ is a map $\rho : G \times A \rightarrow A$. $\rho(g,a) = g * a$. It must satisfy:

  1. $g_1 * (g_2 * a) = g_1g_2 * a$ for all $g_1,g_2 \in G$ and $a \in A$.
  2. $1 * a = a$ for all $a \in A$.

The above diagram commutes.

Example. The trivial action of $G$ on $A$ is $(g,a) \mapsto a$ for all $g \in G$ and for all $a \in A$. we write $G \acts^\rho A$.

Apon experimentation that I didn't copy down right now, we can actually see that a group action is like a homomorphism from $G$ to the symmetric group on $A$. In particular, we can have $\tilde{\rho} : G \rightarrow S_A$, so $\rho(g,a) = \tilde{\rho}(g)(a)$.

  1. $S_A \acts A$, $S_n \acts \{1,..., n\}$
  2. $D_{2n}$ acts on the vertices of an $n$-gon. In particular, if we choose some labeling, we are essentially visualizing the map from $D_{2n}$ to $S_n$, which goes from symmetries to maps on vertices.
  3. Suppose $H \le G$. we claim that $H$ acts on $G$ with left multiplications, sending $\rho : (h,g) \mapsto hg$. In particular, if $H = G$, then this $\rho$ is called a left regular action.
  4. $G$ acts on itself by conjugations. The corresponding action is called the adjoint action. $ad : (g,h) \mapsto ghg^{-1}$.
Remark. Consider $\text{Aut}(G) \le S_G$. An adjoint of $G$ maps is an automorphism of $G$ which is also a subset of $S_G$.

Definition (Kernel). A kernel of a group action of $G$ on $A$ is $\{g \in G \;|\; ga = a \;\forall a \in A\} = \ker(\text{permutation rep})$. Essentially, we have $\ker(\tilde{\rho} = \{g\in G \;|\; \tilde{\rho}(g) = e\}$, where $\tilde{\rho} : G \rightarrow S_A$.

Definition (Faithful). An action of $G$ or $A$ is called faithful if $\ker(\tilde{\rho}) = \{e\}$, ($\tilde{\rho} : G \rightarrow S_A$ is injective).

Remark. Examples 2 and 3 are also faithful, and example 4 is faithful if and only if $Z_G =\{e\}$.

Lecture 9

Proposition. Suppose $G$ acts faithfully on $A$. Then $G$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_A$.

Consider $\tilde{\rho} : G \rightarrow S_A$ and $\ker(\tilde{\rho}) = \{e\}$. Then $\tilde{\rho}$ is injective and $\tilde{\rho} : G \rightarrow \text{Im}(\tilde{\rho}) \le S_A$ is bijective.

Corollary. If $G$ is finite then $G$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_n$ for some $n$.
Example. Consider $n$ dimensional complex vector spaces.
  1. $\text{Mat}_{n\times n} (\mathbb{C}) \leftrightarrow \{\text{Linear maps }\mathbb{C}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{C}^n\}$. From these we can form a group $GL_n$ with the set of all invertible matrices. We actually have $GL_n \le S_{\mathbb{C}^n}$.
  2. $GL_n$ acting on $\mathbb{C}^n$ with $(A,v) \mapsto A \cdot v$ is faithful.
  3. $GL_n$ acting on $\mathbb{C}$ with $(A,t) \mapsto \det A \cdot t$, $A * (B * t) = \det A \det B t = \det(AB) t = AB * t$, $\det Id = 1$. Not faithful.
If $\sigma g$ is a linear map $\mathbb{C}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{C}^n$ then the data of group action is the same as a homomorphism from $G$ to $GL_n$ etc. etc. this is a big topic called representation theory which studies stuff based on linear maps or smth? I'm honestly really exhausted today so I'm probably going to make a lot of mistakes in today's notes because it's feeling really hard to focus.

Definition. Let $G$ act on $A$ and let $a \in A$. The orbit of $a$ is a set $G \cdot a = \left\{ ga \;|\; g \in G\right\}$.

Theorem. The binary relation $a \sim ga$ for all $a \in A$ and $g \in G$ is an equivalence relation. In particular, orbits are equivalence classes.

Definition. An action of $G$ on $A$ is called transitive if it has only one orbit.

Remark. A transitive action means that the graph that you can draw from the action is connected.

Definition. Let $G$ act on the left on $A$. $G \backslash A = A / n = \{Ga \;|\; a \in A\}$ is the quotient of $A$ by the action of $G$. $$\pi : A \rightarrow G \backslash A, a \mapsto Ga$$

Remark. Sometimes when there is no ambiguity whether action is right or left we can use notation $A / G$.

Definition. An automorphism of $G$ is called inner if it lies in the image of $\tilde{\rho}$. Essentially if it is equivalent to $\sigma g$ where $\sigma g$ is $ghg^{-1}$.

Definition. An orbit of $g \in G$ under the conjugation action is called a conjugacy class of $G$.

    $A,B \in GL_n$ are in the same conjugacy class ($A = CBC^{-1}$, $C \in GL_n$) implies they differ by a change of coordinates in $\mathbb{C}^n$.
Theorem. There is a bijection $$\left\{ \text{Conjugacy classes in $S_n$}\right\} \rightarrow \left\{\text{Partitions of $n$}\right\}$$ where $w$ gets mapped to the cycle type of $w$ (the lengths of the cycles in $w$).

Lecture 10

Example. $\mathbb{R} \acts \mathbb{R}^2 \cong \mathbb{C}$, $t$ acts by rotation by $2\pi t$ radians, $\rho : (t,z) \mapsto e^{2\pi it} \cdot z$. $\text{ker}(\rho) = \mathbb{Z} \subseteq \mathbb{R}$.

We discovered last time that $G$ acts on itself by conjugation. We denote $\text{Cl}(x) = G \cdot x$ the conjugacy class of $x$.

  1. $G = S_n$, the conjugacy classes are lke the cycle types (lengths of cycles) or the partitions of $n$.
  2. If $G$ is abelian, then $\text{Cl}(g) = \{g\}$ for all $g \in G$.
  3. $\text{Cl}(g) = \{g\}$ is equivalent to $hgh^{-1} = g$ for all $h \in G$ which is equivalent to $g \in Z_G$.
  4. $D_8 \le S_4$, $r = (1234)$, $r^2 = (13)(24)$, $r^3 = (1432)$, $s = (24)$, $sr = (14)(23)$, and $sr^2 = (13)$, and $sr^3 = (12)(34)$. Notice that the oens of the same cycle types are $\{r,r^3\}$, $\{r^2,sr,sr^3\}$, and $\{sr^2,s\}$. We can actually see that: $$\text{Cl}(e) = \{e\}$$ $$\text{Cl}(r) = \{r,r^3\}$$ $$\text{Cl}(r^2) = \{r^2\}$$ $$\text{Cl}(s) = \{s,sr^2\}$$ $$\text{Cl}(sr) = \{sr, sr^3\}$$ The reason that we don't see $r^2$ in the same conjugacy class as the other ones is that $D_8$ is a subgroup of $S_4$, so the element needeed to conjugate $r^2$ to get one of the other ones is not in $D_8$ despite being in $S_n$. It turns out $\text{Cl}_H(h_1) = \text{Cl}_H(h_2) \Rightarrow \text{Cl}_G(h_1) = \text{Cl}_G(h_2)$ if $H \le G$ but not the other way.

Definition (Stabilizer). Definition. Let $G \acts X$, $x \in X$. $\text{Stab}(x) = \{g \in G \;|\; g \cdot x = x\}$.

  1. $G_x \le G$
  2. $\text{Ker}(\rho) \le G_x$
  3. $\text{Ker}(\rho) = \bigcap_{x \in X} G_x$

We start with the first part. Let $g,h \in G_x$. $hx = x$, $x = h^{-1} h x = h^{-1}x$, $gh^{-1}x = gx = x$, so $gh^{-1} \in G_x$, so it is a subgroup by the subgroup criterion.

The second part is fairly obvious.

The third part follows from $\bigcap_{x \in X} G_x = \{g \in G\;|\; \forall x g\in G\} = \{ g \in G \;|\; \forall x\in X. gx = x\} = \text{Ker}(\rho)$ as desired.

  1. $S_n \acts \{1,...,n\}$, $\text{Stab}(i) = S_{\Omega}$, $\Omega= \{1,...,i-1,i+1,...,n\}$
  2. $D_{2n} \acts \{1,..., n\}$, $\text{Stab}(1) = \{1,s\}$.
  3. $G \acts G$ by conjugation, $\text{Stab}(g) = C_G(g)$
  4. $B = \{ k-\text{element subsets of $G$}\}$, $G \acts B$, $\rho : (g,A) \mapsto g A g^{-1}$. $\text{Stab}(A)$ is the normalizer $N_G(A)$.
  5. $\mathbb{R}_{\neq 0} \acts \mathbb{R}^k$, $(\lambda, v) \mapsto \lambda v$, $\text{Stab}(v) = \{1\}$ and $\text{Stab}(0) = \mathbb{R}_{\neq 0}$. Also, $G \cdot v$ is the line spanned by the vector except for zero, and $G \cdot 0 =\{0\}$, so they sort of switch places.
  6. $H \le G$, $H \acts G$ by left multiplication. $H \cdot g = \{hg \;|\; h \in H$\}$.
  7. $\text{Stab}(g) = \{e\}$ because $hg = h \Rightarrow h = e$. We have that $\# H \cdot g = \# H$.
Proposition. If $y \in G \cdot x$, let $y = g \cdot x$. Then $G_y = gG_x g^{-1}$.

Let $h \in G_y$ the stabilizer of $y$. Then $hy = hgx = gx = y$, so $g^{-1}hgx = x$, so $g^{-1}hg \in G_x$. If $a \in G$, $a\cdot x = x$, $gag^{-1}y = gag^{-1} gx = gax = gx = y$. Thus $gag^{-1} \in G_y$.

We now consider right actions. We have defined left actions, but the difference is that now wherease we had $h \cdot g \cdot x = (hg)\cdot x$, we now have $x \cdot g \cdot h = x \cdot (gh)$ so the order has been swapped.

Definition (Anti-Homomorphism). A map $\varphi : G \rightarrow H$ is called an anti-homomorphism if $\varphi(ab) = \varphi(b)\cdot \varphi(a)$.

  1. The map from $G \rightarrow G$, $g \mapsto g^{-1}$ is an antihomomorphism because $(gh)^{-1} = h^{-1}g^{-1}$.
  2. Consider $GL_n \rightarrow GL_n$, $A \mapsto A^t$. Then $(AB)^t = B^tA^t$.

Definition. A right action of $G$ on $X$ is a map $\rho : X \times G \rightarrow X$, $\rho(x,g) = x \cdot g$, such that

  1. $x \cdot \cdot h = x \cdot (gh)$
  2. $x \cdot 1 = x$

How does this relate to homomorphisms? Consider $\sigma_g:X \rightarrow X$, $x \mapsto x \cdot g$. Then $\sigma_h \circ \sigma_g(x) = (x \cdot g)\cdot h = x \cdot(gh) = \sigma_{gh}(x)$ so $\tilde{\rho}: G \rightarrow S_X$ is an antihomomorphism.

Proposition. If $\rho : G \times X \rightarrow X$ is a left action, then $\tau : X \times G \rightarrow X$, $(x,g) \mapsto g^{-1}\cdot x$ is a right action.
Proof. $$\tilde{\tau}(g) = \tilde{\rho}(g^{-1})$$ $$\tilde{\tau} = \tilde{\rho} \cdot \text{inv}$$
Remark. If $\varphi : G \rightarrow H$ and $\psi:H \rightarrow K$ are antihomomorphisms, then $\psi \circ \varphi : G \rightarrow K$ is a homomorphism.
Example. $GL_n \rightarrow GL_n$, $A \mapsto (A^{-1})^t$.
Example. $H \le G$, $G \acts H$ (acts on $G$ on the right) by right multiplication. $g \cdot H$ is the orbit of $g$, and $g \cdot H = H \cdot g$ if and only if $g$ is in the normalizer.
Remark. Everything we showed for left actions is also similarly true and defined for right ones.

Definition (Coset).

  1. $g \cdot H$ is called a left coset of $H$ in $G$
  2. $H \cdot g$ is called a right coset of $H$ in $G$

Now we can see that $H \backslash G$ is the set of right cosets, and $G / H$ is the set of left cosets.

Theorem (Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem). Consider finite $G$ acting on the left on $X$. Fix $x \in X$. $f : G \rightarrow G \cdot x$, $g \mapsto g \cdot x$ is a surjective map. Then $\#G_x \cdot \#G \cdot x = \# G$.

Consider $f^{-1}(x) = \{g \in G \;|\; f(g) = x\}$. This is just $G_x$. Now consider $y = h \cdot x$. $f^{-1}(y) = \{g \in G \;|\; h^{-1}gx = x\}$ which is $h G_x$.

We essentially have a bunch of fibers that get glued together. In our case, the fibers are all the same size.

We obtain: $\# G = \sum_{y \in Gx} \#f^{-1}(y)$, but $\#f^{-1}(y)$ is the same for every $y$, and it is $\# G_x$. Thus $\# G = \# G_x \cdot \# G\cdot x$.


Lecture 11

Consider $G$ acting on $X$. The map $f : G \rightarrow G x$ surjective, $g \mapsto g\cdot x$. $f^{-1}(gx) = g\cdot \text{Stab}(x)$.

Corollary. $\#G = \#Gx \cdot \# \text{Stab}(x)$
  1. Fix $n \in \mathbb{N}$. $\mathbb{Z}$ acts on $\mathbb{C} = \mathbb{R}^2$ via $k$ acts by the rotatation by $\dfrac{2\pi k}{n}$ radians (multiplication by $e^{2\pi k/n \sqrt{-1}}$. The stabilizer of $t$ is $n\mathbb{Z} \le \mathbb{Z}$. In other words, the orbit is the vertices of the regular $n$-gon in the complex plane, the $n$th roots of unity.
  2. $w \in S_n$, how many elements of $S_n$ commute with $w$? The question we are trying to answer is how many elements are in the stabilizer, and note that $C_{2n}(w) = \text{Stab}(w)$ under the conjugation action. The corollary tells us that the number of elements in the orbit is the number of elements in the conjugacy class of $w$, or $S_n \cdot w$. Consider $w = (143)(25)$. We want to compute the number of cycles of type $(3,2)$, which is $\dfrac{5 \cdot 4 \cdot 3}{3} \cdot \dfrac{2 \cdot 1}{2} = 20$. We then get $$\#C_{S_5}(w) = \dfrac{\# S_5}{\# \text{Cl}(w)} = 6$$

If $G$ acts transitively on $X$, fix $x \in X$, then $f : G \rightarrow X$, $g \mapsto g\cdot x$ is surjective.

Remark. A surjective map $f : A \rightarrow B$ defines an equal relation on $A$ by $a_1 \sim a_2$ if $f(a_1) = f(a_2)$. We can then consider $A / \sim \rightarrow B$.

Now $f(g_1) = f(g_2) = gx$ if and only if $g_1, g_2 \in g \text{Stab}(x)$. Notice that $G / \text{Stab}(x) = \{g \text{Stab}(x) \;|\; g \in G\}$. $G \rightarrow G/\text{Stab}(x)$, $g \mapsto g \text{Stab}(x)$. $g_1 \sim g_2$ if they live in the same equivalence class $\sim^2$, so if they live in the same coset. $g_1 \text{Stab}(x) = g_2 \text{Stab}(x)$.

Basically we can come up with two equivalence relations on $G$ and they end up commuting somehow? Might need to rewatch this part later.

We get $G / \text{Stab}(x) \rightarrow X$ with $g \text{Stab}(x) \mapsto g \cdot x$.

Definition. If $G$ acts on $X$ and $G$ acts on $Y$, we will say that $X$ is isomorphic to $Y$ as a set with $G$-action if there exists a bijection $f : X \rightarrow Y$ such that $f(gx) = gf(x)$.

  1. $S_n$ acts on $\{1,...,n\}$, $S_n$ acts on $\{a_1,...,a_n\}$. $w \cdot a_i = a_{w(i)}$. $\{1,...,n\} \rightarrow \{a_1,...,a_n\}$, $i \mapsto a_i$, $w \cdot i \mapsto a_{w(i)}$.

$G$ acts on $G/H$ by left multiplication, $g_1 \cdot (g_2H) = g_1g_2 H$. $G/\text{Stab}(x) \rightarrow X$, $g \text{Stab}(x) \mapsto gx$. $\tilde{f}(\text{Stab}(x)) = x$, $\tilde{f}(g\cdot \text{Stab}(x)) = g\cdot x$, $\tilde{f}(g_1\cdot (g_2\text{Stab}(x)) = g_1 \tilde{f}(g_2 \text{Stab}(c))$.

Transitive action: $$g_1 \cdot (g_2H) = g_1g_2 H$$ Wait are we sure? Rewatch.

Corollary. Every $X$ with a transitive action of $G$ is isomorphic to $G/H$ for some $H \le G$.
$t \in \mathbb{C}$ is a complex point.

Consider $G / H = \{g \cdot H \;|\; g \in G\}$. We ask how many elements there are in this set (we know it is at most $|G|$).

Definition (Index). $\#G/H = [G : H]$ is called the index of $H$ in $G$.

Theorem (Lagrange's Theorem). Consider $G$ and $H$ finite. $[G : H] = \dfrac{\#G}{\#H}$. In particular, $\#H \;|\; \#G$.
Corollary. For all $x \in G$. $|x| \;|\; \# G$ because $|x| = \#\langle x\rangle$.
Remark. If $d \;|\; \#G$ then it is possible for there to be no subgroup of order $d$. A more straightforward insight is that it is possible for there to not be an element whose order is some specified divisor of $\#G$.

Definition. $g_1,...,g_k \in G$ with $k = [G :H]$ are called coset representatives if $g_i H \neq g_k H$ if $i \neq k$ (or $\{g_1H, g_2H, ..., g_kH\} = G/H$).

Example. $1,2,...,n$ are coset representation for $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$. $0,1,...,n-1$ are also.
Example. $S_{n-1} \le S_n$. $S_n/S_{n-1} = S_n/\text{Stab}(n) \rightarrow \{1,...,n\}$. From $\tilde{f} : wS_{n-1} \mapsto w \cdot n$. $\tilde{f} (w \cdot S_{n-1}) = \tilde{f}(u \cdot S_{n-1})$. $w(n) = u(n)$. Then we can get $(1,n), (2,n),...,(n-1,n)$.

Lecture 12

Cyclic Groups

A cyclic group is a group of the form $G = \langle x \rangle$, $x \in G$. Then $G = \{x^k \;|\; k \in \mathbb{Z}$. If $G$ is infinite, then $x^k \neq x^l$ for any $k$ and $l$. If it is finite, then $|G| = |x| = n$, and $G = \{1,x,x^2,...,x^{n-1}\} \cong \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$. Then $|x^a| = \dfrac{n}{\gcd(n,a)}$, and all subgroups are cyclic with $|\langle x^a \rangle| = \dfrac{n}{\gcd(n,a)}$. We also have some facts: $G$ is cyclic if adn only if $\exists x \in G$ such that $|x| = |G|$, and $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$ is cyclic if and only if $\gcd(m,n) = 1$. In particular, if $n$ and $m$ are coprime, $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z} \cong \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$.

I'll make a blog post about centralizers of elements in $S_n$ later so I didn't take notes on that too much.

Lecture 14

$G/H$ is a group under the operation $g_1 H \cdot g_2 H = g_1g_2 H$ if and only if $H \le G$ (i.e. $N_G(H) = G$). $\pi : G \rightarrow G/H$ with $g \mapsto gH$ is surjective group homomorphism, $\varphi : G \rightarrow \overline{G}$ surjective, then $\overline{G} \cong G/\text{Ker}(\varphi)$, and $\text{Ker}(\varphi) \trianglelefteq G$.

Example. Consider $\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z} \subseteq \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$, $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})/(\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathbb{Z}/d\mathbb{Z}$. $\pi : \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/d\mathbb{Z}$, $[a] \mapsto [a]$.

Definition (Simple). A group $G$ is called simple if $\{1\}$ and $G$ are the only normal subgroups in $G$.

Let's categorize Subgroups and Quotients: A subgroup is a group along with an injective group homomorphism. We have a sort of universal property:

with $\text{Im}(\varphi) \le i(H)$. Consider quotients. We have $\pi : G \rightarrow \overline{G}$ surjective, ($N = \text{Ker}(\pi)$)
with $N \le \text{Ker}(\tilde{\varphi})$. $\text{Hom}(\overline{G},H) = \{\tilde{\varphi} \in \text{Hom}(G,H), \text{Ker}(\tilde{\varphi})\ge N\}$. We can define the quotient like this by $N$. And we can show that this universal property determines the group up to isomorphism.

Example. How do we understand homomorphisms out of $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$? Consider $\varphi : \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow G$, and $\tilde{\varphi} : \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow G$, $n \in \text{Ker}(\varphi)$. For $\tilde{\varphi}$, the homomorphism is determined by where $1$ goes, so if $2$ goes to $g$, then $k$ goes to $g^k$. Then using the property of quotient groups, $\text{Hom}(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z},G) = \{g \in G \;|\; g^n =e\}$
Remark. $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ is simple exactly when $n$ is prime.
Alternating Groups And The Sign Homomorphisms for $S_n$

We define the sign map $\text{sign} : S_n \rightarrow \{1, -1\} \le \mathbb{R}_{\neq 0}$. Define $w \in S_n$.

Definition (Set of Inversions). The set of inversions $\text{Inv}(w) = \{(a,b) \;|\; a,b \in \{1,...,n\}, a < b, w(a) > w(b) \}$.

Definition. $\text{inv}(w) = |\text{Inv}(w)|$

Notice that $\text{inv}(w)$ is just the number of intersections, 4.

Remark. Sometimes $\text{inv}(w) = l(w)$ is called the length of $w$.

Definition. $\text{sign}(w) = (-1)^{\text{inv}(w)}$.

Notice that $\{w \in S_n \;|\; \text{inv}(w) = 1\} = \{s_i \;|\; s_i = (i\; i +1)\}$.

  1. $\text{sign}(s_iw) = -\text{sign}(w)$
  2. $\text{sign}(uw)=\text{sign}(u)\text{sign}(w)$, and in particular, $\text{sign}(w^{-1}) = \text{sign}(w)$. Also, $\text{sign}(uwu^{-1}) = \text{sign}(w)$
Remark. (2) means that $\text{sign}$ is a group homomorphism.
Proof omitted here.

But an idea from the proof of (1) is that $(\text{Inv}(s_iw) \cup \text{Inv}(w))\backslash (\text{Inv}(s_iw) \cap \text{Inv}(w))$ contains one element.

Corollary. The sign of any transposition is $-1$, and $\text{sign}((a_1 ... a_k)) = (-1)^{k-1}$.
Corollary. If $w$ has cycle type $(k_1...k_l)$, then the sign is $(-1)^{k_1+...+k_l - l}$.
Remark. Notice that it does not matter if you include cycles of lengths 1 in your decomposition in the above.
Theorem. $\text{inv}(w)$ is the minimal $k$ such that $w$ can be expressed as the product of $k$ elementary transpositions. This is why it is also referred to as the length.
We won't show the proof here, but yeah.

Definition (Alternating Subgroup). We define the alternating subgroup $A_n = \text{Ker}(\text{sign})\trianglelefteq S_n$.

Since $\text{sign} : S_n \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, so $|A_n| = \dfrac{|S_n|}{|\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}|} = \dfrac{n!}{2}$. Also, it can be shown that $A_n$ is simple.

Theorem (First Isomorphism Theorem). If $\varphi : G \rightarrow H$ is a homomorphism, then $G/\text{Ker}(\varphi) \cong \text{Im}(\varphi)$.
Corollary. $|Im(\varphi)| = [G : \text{Ker}(\varphi)]$.
Example. $\varphi : \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}_{+0}$, $+ \mapsto \text{exp}(2\pi \sqrt{-1} t)$, $\text{Im}(\varphi) = \{z \in \mathbb{C}_{+0}\;|\; |z| = 1\}$. $\text{Im}(\varphi) = S^1 = \text{SO}(2)$. $\text{Ker}(\varphi) = \mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z} \cong S^1$.

Definition. $H, K \le G$. $H \cdot K = \{ hk \;|\; h \in H, k \in K\}$.

Proposition. $|HK| = \dfrac{|H| \cdot |K|}{|H\cap K|}$.
Proof left to me for later.
Claim. $HK$ is a subgroup if and only if $HK = KH$.
Corollary. $H \le N_G(K)$ or $K \le N_G(H)$ implies $KH = HK$ (because $hK = Kh$ for all $h$).

Lecture 15

We continue with direct and semidirect products of groups.

Definition. If $H,K$ are groups and $G$ is such that $H \trianglelefteq G$, $G/H \cong K$ then $G$ is called an extension between $K$ and $H$.

Example. $G = H \times K$, $H = H \times \{1\}$, $K = \{1\} \times K$. $\pi_1 : G \rightarrow H$, $(h,k) \mapsto h$, $\pi_2 : G \rightarrow K$, $(h,k) \mapsto k$. $\text{Ker}(\pi_1) = K$, $\text{Ker}(\pi_2) = H$, $G/H = K$.
Proposition. Suppose $H, K \le G$, and
  1. $H, K \trianglelefteq G$
  2. $H \cap K = \{1\}$
  3. $G = HK = \{hk \;|\; h \in H, k \in K\}$
then $G \cong H \times K$.

Consider $\varphi : H \times K \rightarrow G$, $(h,k) \mapsto hk$. $$\varphi((h_1,k_1) \cdot (h_2,k_2)) = \varphi((h_1h_2,k_1k_2)) = h_1h_2k_1k_2 = (h_1k_1)(h_2k_2)$$

Recall from homework that if $H,K \le G$, $H \cap K = \{1\}$, then for all $h \in H$ and $k \in K$, $hk = kh$.

$\varphi$ is surjective because of (3) and injective because of (2) (simple to check).

Remark. I believe this also holds in the other direction if you just find two subgroups of $G$ isomorphic to arbitrary groups $H$ and $K$ satisfying $G \cong H \times K$.
Example. $\gcd(m,n) = 1$, $\mathbb{Z}/mn\mathbb{Z} \cong \mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$. Consider $H = \langle [m]\rangle$, $K = \langle [n]\rangle$. Notice that $H \cap K = \{[0]\}$ and $HK = \{a[m] + b[n] \;|\; a,b \in \mathbb{Z}\}$ and notice $[1] \in HK$ by Bezout's Lemma.

We wish to relax the condition that $K$ must be a normal subgroup of $G$ to $K$ being just a subgroup if $G$, $H \cap K = \{1\}$, $HK = G = KH$, $\forall g \in G$, $g = hk$ for a unique $h \in H$ and a unique $k \in K$. Define $\pi |_k : K \rightarrow G/H$, $G = \bigcup_{k\in K} Hk$. If $Hk_1 = Hk_2$, then $k_1k_2^{-1} \in H \cap K$, so $k_1 = k_2$.

$\pi|_k : k \mapsto Hk$, so $\pi |_k$ is an isomorphism, so $G$ is an extension between $K$ and $H$.

We wish to generalize things with the next definition:

Definition (Semidirect Product). Let $H$ and $K$ be groups and let $K$ act on $H$ by group automorphisms $(\sigma : K \rightarrow \text{Aut}(H) \le S_H$). Let $\sigma(k)(h) = k * h$. Define $H \rtimes_\sigma K$ the semidirect product is a group with underlying set $H \times K$ and group operation $(h_1,k_1) \cdot (h_2, k_2) = (h_1 (k_1 * h_2), k_1k_2)$.

We can check that $(1,1)$ is the identity of this group and the inverse of $(h,k)$ is $(k^{-1} * h^{-1}, k^{-1})$.

Example. Let $H = \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ and let $K = \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} = \{1,s\}$. Define the action of $s$ on $h$ as $s * h = h^{-1}$. This is indeed a group automorphism since the group is abelian (this was also a homework problem). We can write $H = \{1,r,r^2,...,r^{n-1}\}$. Then notice that $(r^k, s) \cdot (r^l, s) = (r^k (s * r^l), 1) = (r^{k-l}, 1)$. This is just like the dihedral group! In fact, $H \rtimes K \cong D_{2n}$.

An idea is that basically the rule $rs = sr^{-1}$ can be seen as $(r,1)(1,s) = (1,s)(r^{-1},1)$.
Proposition. If $G = H \rtimes K$,
  1. $H = H \times \{1\} \trianglelefteq G$
  2. $K = \{1\} \times K \le G$
  3. $H \cap K = \{1\}$
  4. $HK = G$
Interesting point from proof.

An interesting and important idea is $$(1,k)(h,1) (1,k^{-1}) = (k * h, 1)$$ which shows that this recovers $k$!

The idea of the previous proposition is that we can rewrite the old proposition as

Proposition. Suppose $H, K \le G$, and
  1. $H \trianglelefteq G$
  2. $H \cap K = \{1\}$
  3. $G = HK = \{hk \;|\; h \in H, k \in K\}$
then $G \cong H \rtimes K$ with respect to the action $k * h = khk^{-1}$.
Proof is the same but now with $\varphi : H \rtimes K \rightarrow G$, $(h,k) \mapsto hk$.
Proposition. Let $G = H \rtimes_\sigma K$. The following are equivalent:
  1. $K \trianglelefteq G$
  2. $\sigma : K \rightarrow \text{Aut}(H)$ is a trivial map. For all $k \in K$, $k \mapsto id_H$ ($k * h = h$).
  3. $id : H \times K \rightarrow H \rtimes K$, $(h,k) \mapsto (h,k)$ is a group homomorphism.
Theorem. If $G$ is an extension between $K$ and $H$, ($H \trianglelefteq G$, $G/H = K$, $\pi : G \rightarrow K$) then $G = G \times K$ iff exists $s : K \rightarrow G$ such that $\pi \circ S = id_K$ (the splitting of $\pi$).
Remark. Every action can be made into the action by conjugation through this above method. Universal property construction of conjugacy action?
  1. $S_n = A_n \rtimes \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, where $A_n$ is the kernel of the sign map and $S_n / A_n \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$. $$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow^s S_n \rightarrow^{\text{sign}} \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$$ $s : [1] \mapsto (12)$ is a splitting. We identify $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{}$ with $\{1,(12)\}$.
  2. Consider $\mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z}$, noting $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \subseteq \mathbb{Z}/4 \mathbb{Z}$. We can get $\pi : \mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, $[a] \mapsto [a]$ is not a splitting. Notice that $\mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z}$ is not $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, nor is it a semidirect product. We can see this last part by noting that $\text{Aut}(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} = \{1\}$ so the only automorphism is the trivial one, and from the theorem we know that this is the same as $H \times K$, so $\mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z}$ is not congruent. We can also see this by noticing that $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow ^s \mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow^\pi \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ always has $\text{Im}(s) \le \text{Ker}(\pi)$, so $\pi \circ s$ is trivial.
  3. An example from linear algebra is $B$ the group of upper rtiangle matrices which are invertible (so the elements on the diagonal are not zero). Consider the subgroup $U$ of strictly upper triangular matrix whose diagonal elements are 1, and the subgroup $D$ of diagonal matrices which are invertible. Then $B = U \rtimes D$. One can also check that these two do not commute so it is not a direct product, only a semidirect product.

Lecture 16

Theorem. Suppose $G$ is a finitely generated abelian group. Then there exists $r \ge 0$ and $n_1,...,n_m \in \mathbb{Z}$ and $m \ge 0$, $n_i \ge 2$, and $n_{i+1} \;|\; n_i$ for all $i$, then $G \cong \mathbb{Z}^r \times \mathbb{Z}/n_1\mathbb{Z} \times ... \times \mathbb{Z} / n_m \mathbb{Z}$. If $G \cong \mathbb{Z}^s \times \mathbb{Z}/l_1\mathbb{Z} \times ... \times \mathbb{Z}/l_k\mathbb{Z}$ such that $l_i \ge 2$ and $l_{i+1} \;|\; l_i$, then $s = r$, $k = m$, and $l_i = n_i$ for all $i$.
Proof Idea. Since $G = \langle a_1, ..., a_n\rangle$, $\varphi : \mathbb{Z}^n \rightarrow G$ is surjective, with $\varphi((k_1,...,k_n)) \mapsto \sum k_ia_i$. Then $G = \mathbb{Z}^n/\text{Ker}(\varphi)$. $L = \text{Ker}(\varphi) \le \mathbb{Z}^n$. We take as a black box that $L$ is finitely generated. We later need to use another fact, that $A = \text{Mat}_n(\mathbb{Z})$ is invertibel if and only if $\text{det}(A)$ is invertible in $\mathbb{Z}$. $\text{det}(A) = \pm 1$. Another acct is Smith's normal form: there exists a basis $y_1,...,y_n$ of $\mathbb{Z}^n$ and $n_1,...,n_m \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $n_{i+1} \;|\; n_i$ such that $L = \langle n_1y_1,...,n_my_m\rangle$. Fun fact to prove some day: One abelian group that we encounter that we don't completely understand is the invertible elements in $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$. But for prime $p$, $(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^\times \cong \mathbb{Z}/(p-1)\mathbb{Z}$. In particular, it turns out that $(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^\times$ is cyclic.

Lecture 17

We start by defining rings. I won't include it here since I understand the definition pretty well. For this class, we work with unital rings as the normal rings and nonunital rings are special.

Example. $\mathbb{Z}$, $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{C}$. Also, notice that $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ is also a ring without having to discard any elements.
Remark. $(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^\times$ is also a ring, and is $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^\times$ a ring if we make addition be like $1 + $ anything goes to the next smallest thing in the ring (I think distributivity might break)?
Also notice $\{0\}$ is a ring, called the $\{0\}$-ring.

Definition. A ring $R$ is commutative if $ab = ba$ for all $a, b \in R$.

Remark. Hold up... can rings somehow be described by identifying elements of the group automorphisms with the elements of a group? In other words, a group can be a ring if the size of the set of its automorphisms is the same as the size of the group?

Definition. A ring $R$ is a division ring if for all $a \neq 0 \in R$, there exists $b \neq 0 \in R$ such that $ab = ba = 1$.

Definition. A commutative division ring is a field if $0 \neq 1$. There is debate over whether $0 \neq 1$ should be a condition.

Example. $\mathbb{Q}$, $\mathbb{R}$, and $\mathbb{C}$ are also fields, and so is $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$.

An interesting ring is quaternions, $\mathbb{H} = \{a + bi + cj + dk \;|\; a,b,c \in \mathbb{R}, i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = -1$, and $ijk = -1\}$. It can be checked that $\mathbb{H}$ is a division ring.

Definition (Zero Divisor). $a \neq 0 \in R$ is a zero divisor if there exists $b \neq 0 \in R$ such that $ab = 0$ or $ba = 0$.

Definition (Unit). $a \neq 0 \in R$ is a unit if there exists $b \neq 0 \in R$ such that $ab = ba = 1$. $R^\times$ is the group of units in $R$.

Remark. $R$ is a division ring if and only if $R^\times = R_{\neq 0}$.
Lemma. If $a$ is a unit then $a$ is not a zero divisor.

Before we prove this, we need to be able to use a few things quite freely. We check some things:

  1. $0 \cdot a = a \cdot 0 = 0$
  2. $(-a) \cdot b = a \cdot (-b) = -ab$
  3. $(-a) \cdot (-b) = ab$
  4. $1$ is unique and $(-1) \cdot a = a \cdot (-1) = -a$
Proof (Normally I omit this but this felt juicy for some reason).
  1. $0 \cdot a = (0 + 0)a = 0 \cdot a + 0 \cdot a \Rightarrow 0 = 0 \cdot a$
  2. $(-a) \cdot b + ab = (- a + a)b = 0b = 0$ and $a \cdot (-b) + ab = a(-b + b) = a0 = 0$
  3. $(-a)(-b) = -(-a)b = -(-ab) = ab$
  4. $1_a = 1_a1_b = 1_b$, and the last part is simply from part 2.


Now we can prove the lemma. Suppose $ab = 0$ and $a^{-1}a = 1$. Then $0 = a^{-1}0 = a^{-1}ab = b$ contradiction.


  1. $\mathbb{Z}^\times = \{-1, 1\}$ has no zero divisors.
  2. $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^\times = \{[a]\;|\; \gcd(a,n) = 1\}$ if $\gcd(a,n) = d > 1$

Definition (Integral Domain). A commutative ring with no zero divisors is called an integral domain.

Example. Fields, $\mathbb{Z}$ is an integral domain. I think $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ is an integral domain?
Proposition. Let $R$ be an integral domain and suppose $ab = ac$. Then $a = 0$ or $b = c$.
Proof. $$ab - ac = a(b-c) = 0 \Rightarrow a = 0 \text{ or } b = c$$


Corollary. If $R$ is a finite integral domain, then $R$ is a field.

Consider $a \neq 0 \in R$, and $m_a : R \rightarrow R$ which is injective, $b \mapsto ab$. Then since $R$ is finite, $m_a$ is a bijection, so there exists $c$ such that $ac = 1$.


Definition (Subring). $S \subseteq R$ is a subring if $(S, +) \le (R,+)$ and $1 \in S$, $S$ is closed under multiplication.

  1. $\mathbb{Z} \subset \mathbb{Q} \subset \mathbb{R} \subset \mathbb{C} \subset \mathbb{H}$.
  2. Define $\text{Fun}(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R})$ the functions from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathbb{R}$, $fg(x) = f(x)g(x)$, $(f+g)(x) = f(x) + g(x)$, $$C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R}) \subset C^k(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R}) \subset C^2(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R}) \subset C^{1}(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R}) \subset C(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R}) \subset \text{Fun}(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R})$.
Remark. $R \subset A$ integral domain, then $R$ is an integral domain. In particular, $R$ subring of a field is an integral domain.

Non-unital Rings

As a temporary tangent, we might want to consider nonunital rings.

  1. $n \mathbb{Z}$.
  2. $C^c(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R}) = \{ f \in C(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{R}) \;|\; \{x \;|\; f(x) \neq 0\} \text{ compact }\}$ is compactly supported functions.

Ok... that's enough heh. Back to other stuff.

Ring Constructions

$X$ nonempty set, $R$ is a ring. $\text{Fun}(X,R)$ inherits properties of $R$. $\text{Fun}(X,R)$ is commutative if and only if $R$ is commutative. For all $r \in R$, $C_r \in \text{Fun}(X,R)$. $Cr : x \mapsto r$, $R \subset \text{Fun}(X,R)$

$\begin{bmatrix} r & & 0 \\ & ... & \\ 0 & & r\end{bmatrix} \in \text{Mat}_n(R)$, $R \subset \text{Mat}_n(\mathbb{R})$

Remark. Usually $R$ is commutative. Also, you may hvae noticed, $\text{Mat}_2(\text{Mat}_2(\mathbb{R})) = \text{Mat}_4(\mathbb{R})$. Also, notice $GL_n(R) = \text{Mat}_n(R)^\times$.

$R$ a ring, $G$ a finite group. $RG$ is called a group ring with coefficients in $R$. This is $\{ \sum_{g \in G} c_g \cdot g \;|\; c_g \in R\}$. It will make our lives easier if we make $R$ a commutative ring, so we actually do that. Then $(c\cdot g) (d \cdot h) = cd \cdot (gh)$.

Example. $D_6 = \{1, r, r^2, s, sr, sr^2\}$, $(2 + s-r^2), (3sr + sr^2) \in \mathbb{Z}D_6$, and $(2 + s - r^2)(3 sr + sr^2) = 6sr + 2 sr^2 + 3r + r^2 - 3sr^2 - s = 3r + r^2 - s$.
Remark. Linear automorphisms are basically $GL_n$. You can extend a group to a group ring by the above group ring construction.
Strategy. An important strategy in representation theory is that once you have forgotten some structure, such as addition of matrices, you can "relearn" this structure by constructing a group ring with some ring.
Remark. $R \subset R G$ is a subgring by $r \mapsto r \cdot 1$.

Consider $R$ a commutative ring. $R[x]$ is the polynomials with coefficients in $R$. $R[x] = \{a_n x^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1} + ... + a_1 x + a_0 \;|\; a_i \in R\}$. $x^n x^m = x^{n + m}$. For all $r \in R$, $r$ is a constant polynomial. Let $p = a_nx^n + ... + a_1 x + a_0$, with $a_n \neq 0$. We say that the degree of $p$ is $n$ ($\text{deg} (p) = n$). We define the degree of $0 \in R[x]$ to be $-\infty$.

Lemma. If $R$ is an integral domain, then for all $p, q \in R[x]$, $\text{deg}(pq) = \text{deg}(p) + \text{deg}(q)$.
Corollary. $R[x]^\times = R^\times$. $R[x]$ is an integral domain.

Midterm 2 Revieww

Theorem. $G = \langle x_1,...,x_k\langle$, and $H = \langle y_1,...,y_l\rangle$, then to check that $H$ is normal, we need to check $x_iy_jx_i^{-1} \in H$ for each $j$ and $i$.
Remark. There is nothing special about $s$ or $r$. Any two reflections are the same in terms of how they behave, so all the reflections behave the same.

Lecture $N$

Definition (Principal Ideal Domain). A ring $R$ is a principal ideal domain (PID) if it is an integral domain and all ideals in $R$ are principal.

Corollary. Every Euclidean domain is a PID.
Propoisition. Let $R$ be a PID. Then every prime ideal in $R$ is maximal.

Let $(p)$ be a prime ideal and $(p) \subset (m) \Rightarrow p = mr$ for some $r$. $mr \in (p)$ implies that $m = os \Rightarrow p =psr \Rightarrow 1 = sr$, and $r = ps \Rightarrow p = pms \Rightarrow 1 = ms$. Etc.

Corollary. $R[x]$ is PID then $R$ is a field.

Definition (Noetherian). A ring is called Noetherian if every left ascending chain of ideals stabilizes, i.e. $$\forall I_1 \subseteq I_2 \subseteq ...$$ then there exists $N$ such that for all $n,m \ge N$, $I_n = I_m$.

Proposition. Every PID is Noetherian.

Definition (Irreducible). Let $R$ be a commutative ring, we say $r \in R$ is irreducible if $r = pq \Rightarrow p \in R^\times$ or $q \in R^\times$.

Remark. Wait in the below proposition, should it say that $r$ is not a unit? Yes. Units cannot be irreducible or prime. So I guess the or above is exclusive.
Proposition. If $R$ is a PID then $r$ is irreducible if and only if $r$ is prime.
Remark. Then we can see that prime ideals are just those generated by irreducible (polynomials?).

Definition (Distinct). $p$ and $q$ are called distinct primes if $(p) \neq (q)$.

Lemma. Consider $R$ a PID. If $p$, $q$ are distinct primes,
  1. $(p,q) = R$
  2. $(p^k, q^l) = R$
  1. Consider $R$ a PID, and $f \in R$, $f \neq 0$ and $f \neq R$. Then there exist distinct primes $p_1,...,p_l$ such that $f = u p_1^{a_1} ...p_l^{a_l}$ where $u \in R^\times$.
  2. If $p_1^{a_1}...p_l^{a_l} = uq_1^{b_1}...u_n^{b_n}$, then $l = n$, and $(p_i) = (q_{w(i)})$ for all $i$ and $w \in S_n$.
Corollary. Let $R$ be a PID, and $f = up_1^{e_1}...p_k^{a_k} \in R$, then $$R/(f) \simeq R/(p_1^{a_1}) \times ... \times R/(p_k^{a_k})$$
Example. Consider $\mathbb{C}[x]$. The fundamental theorem of algebra tells us that irreducible polynomials in $\mathbb{C}[x]$ are $\{x-a : a \in \mathbb{C}\}$. Now consider $\mathbb{R}[x]$. We can see that irreducible polynomials are polynomial that are either linear or quadratic polynomials with determinant less than zero. Then we can see that $R[x]/(x^2 + 1) \simeq \mathbb{C}$.

Field of Fractions

Consider a general comutative ring $R$. We can introduce an equivalence relation on ordered pairs as follows: $$F(R) = \{\dfrac{m}{n} \;|\; m \in R, \; n \in R_{\neq 0} \}/ \sim$$ where $\dfrac{m}{n} \sim \dfrac{a}{b}$ if $bm = an$. We can define addition as $$\dfrac{m}{n} + \dfrac{p}{q} = \dfrac{qm + pn}{nq}$$ $$-\dfrac{m}{n} = \dfrac{-m}{n}$$ $$0 = \dfrac{0}{1}$$ $$\dfrac{m}{n} \cdot \dfrac{p}{q} = \dfrac{mp}{nq}$$ $$(\dfrac{m}{n})^{-1} = \dfrac{n}{m}$$ $$1 = \dfrac{1}{1}$$ We can show all of this forms a field by easily verifying all of the conditions. The only problem is, multiplication is not well defined if we allow zero divisors, since $nq$ could be zero. Thus, we can force $R$ to be an integral domain, and then

Definition (Field of Fractions). If $R$ is an integral domain then $F(R)$ is a field called the field of fractions of $R$.

  1. If $R$ is an integral domain, then $F(R)$ is a field.
  2. $\varphi : R \rightarrow F(R)$, $r \mapsto \dfrac{r}{1}$ is an injective ring homomorphism.
  3. If $\psi : R \rightarrow F$ is an injective ring homomorphism and $F$ is a field, there exists $\sigma : F(R) \rightarrow F$ such that $$\sigma \circ \varphi =\psi$$
Remark. We have $\psi(r)^{-1} = \sigma(1/r)$.

Lecture $N + 2$

Theorem (Isomorphism). If $\varphi \in \text{Hom}_R(N,M)$ then $\text{Im}(\varphi) \simeq N/\text{Ker}(\varphi)$.
Proposition. If $M$ is cyclic, then $M \simeq R/I$ for some left ideal $I$.
Proof by isomorphism theorem.

Definition (Cyclic). $M$ is cyclic if $M = Rx$ for some $x \in M$.

Definition (Free). A module $M$ is free on the set $A \subseteq M$ if for all $m \in M_{\neq 0}$ there exists unique scalars $r_1,...,r_n \in R$ and $a_1,...,a_n \in A$ such that $m = \sum_{i=1}^n r_i a_i$. Definition (Basis). $A$ os a basis of $M$.
Remark. If $A$ is a basis of a free module $M$, then all elements of $A$ are $R$-linearly independent (standard definition of linedarly independent with coefficients in $R$).
  1. If $R = F$ a field, then for all $M \in R$-mod is free.
  2. $R = \mathbb{Z}$, $M = \mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$, for all $x \in M$, $n \cdot x = 0 \cdot x = 0$.
  3. $R = \mathbb{C}[x,y]$, $M = (x,y)$. We claim that this is not free. How do we know? Well $M$ doesn't have a basis of size one because it is not a principle ideal. Suppose $M$ has a basis of size larger than 1 because every two elements are linearly dependent. Consider any $a,b \in M$. Then since $a$ and $b$ are also members of our ring, $b a - ab = 0$, so they are linearly dependent.

Definition (Tortion). $M \in R$-mod $$\text{Tor}(M) = \{m \in M \;|\; \exists r \in R_\neq 0, rm = 0\}$$

Claim. If $R$ is an integral domain, then $\text{Tor}(M)$ is a submodule.

Definition (Rank). The rank $\text{rk }M$ is the maximal number of $R$-lineraly independent elements in $M$.

Proposition If $M$ is free and $R$ is an integral domain with basis $\{x_1,...,x_n\}$ then any $n+1$ elements of $M$ are $R$-linearly dependent.

Since $R$ is an integral domain, we can embed $R$ into its field of fractions $F(R)$. We can also embed $M$ into $F^n$, $$\sum r_i x_i$$ if $a_0,...,a_n\in M$ there exists $y_0,...,y_n \in F$, $\sum_{i=0}^n y_i a_i = 0$, $y_i = \dfrac{b_i}{c_i}, c = \prod_{i=0}^n c_i$, $cy_i \in R$, $\sum_{i=0}^r (cy_i)a_i = 0$.

Consider $\varphi, \psi$ in $\text{Hom}_R(M,N)$. Notice that $(\varphi + \psi)$ is also a homomorphism and $r \varphi$ is also a homomorphism.

  1. $\varphi + \psi \in \text{Hom}_R(M,N)$
  2. $r \varphi \in \text{Hom}_R(M,N)$
  3. These operations make $\text{Hom}_R(M,N)$ an $R$-mod.

Definition. If $N_1,...,N_k$ are submodules of $M$, then $N_1 + ... + N_k := \{n_1 + ... + n_k \;|\; n_i \in N\}$

Definition. Let $N,M \in R$-mod. $N \times M \in R$-mod, $r (n,m) = (rn,rm)$.

Proposition. TFAE
  1. $\varphi : N_1\times N_2 \times ... \times N_k \rightarrow N_1 + ... + N_k$, $(n_1,n_2,...,n_k) \mapsto n_1+...+n_k$, $\varphi$ is an isomorphism of $R$-mod.
  2. $N_j \cap (N_1 + ... + N_{j-1} + N_{j+1} + ... + N_k) = 0$ for all $j$.
  3. For all $x \in N_1 + ... + N_k$, there exists a unique $n_1,...,n_k$ such that $X = n_1 + ... + n_k$.
Proof I leave for myself later.

Defintiion. If $N_1,...N_k$ satisfy these conditions then write $N_1 \oplus ... \oplus N_k = N_1 + ... + N_k$.

Proposition. If $M$ is a free module on $\{x_1,...,x_n\}$, then $M = R x_1 \oplus ... \oplus Rx_n \simeq R^n$.
Proposition. If $M$ is free on $A \subseteq M$ then as sets $\text{Hom}_R(M,N) = \text{Fun}(A,N)$ for all $N \in R$-mod.
Theorem. Let $R$ be a PID, let $M$ be a free $R$-module of rank $n$, and $N \subseteq M$ a submodule. Then
  1. $N$ is free of rank $m \le n$
  2. $\exists y_1,...,y_n \in M$, $\exists a_1,...,a_m \in R_{\neq 0}$ where $a_1 \;|\; a_2 \;|\; ... \;|\; a_m$
such that $M = Ry_1 \oplus Ry_2 \oplus ... \oplus Ry_n$, and $N = Ra_1 y_1 \oplus ... \oplus Ra_m y_m$

We start by trying to define $a_1$. Consider the $\varphi \in \text{Hom}_R(M,R)$. Then $\varphi(N) \subseteq R$ is a submodule, so it is an ideal. It is also a principle ideal, so we define $\varphi(N) = (a_\varphi)$. We then define $\sum = \{(a_\varphi) \;|\; \varphi \in \text{Hom}_R(M,R)$.

Lemma. $\sum$ has a maximum element.

Consider any $I_1 \in \sum$. If it is maximal, we are done. Otherwise, there exists another ideal $I_2$ so that $I_1 \subset I_2$. Thus, we can either find $I_2$ to be maximal or we continue to find a chain of inclusions. We claim that we must stop at some point because our ring must be Noetherian, so any chain must stabilize. We can then call this maximal ideal $(a_\nu)$, and define $a_1 = a_\nu$ ($a_1$ from the satement of the theorem.)

Now there exists some $y \in N$ such that $\nu(y) = a_1$. Let $M = Rx_1 \oplus ... \oplus Rx_n$. Consider $\pi_i : M \rightarrow R$ projections to the ith coordinates $(r_1,...,r_n) \mapsto r_i$. If $a_1 = 0$, then $\sum = \{(0)\}$. Therefore, $\varphi(N) = 0$ for all $\varphi$, so for all $n = (r_1,...,r_n)$, $\pi_i(n) = 0$, so $n = 0$, and $N = 0$. Then the result is trivial.

Assume $N \neq 0$, so $a_1 \neq 0$.

Lemma. For all $\varphi \in \text{Hom}_R(M,R)$, $\varphi(y)$ is divisible by $a_1$.

Consider the gcd: $(a_1,\varphi(y)) = (d)$. $d = ra_1 + s\varphi(y)$. $\psi = r\nu + s\varphi \in \text{Hom}_R(M,R)$. Consider $$\psi(y) = r\nu(y) + s\varphi(y) = d$$ because $\nu(y) = a_1$. Consider $d \in \psi(N)$. $(d) \subseteq \psi(N) = a(\psi)$, $(a_1 \subseteq (d)$. Since $(a_1) \subseteq (a_\psi)$ immplies that $(a_1) = (a_\psi)$, which implies $(a_1) = (d)$, $\varphi(y) \in (a_1)$.

Bcak to the theorem. $\pi_i(y)= a_1b_i$, $y = (a_1b_1,a_1b_2,...,a_1b_n)$, $y_1 = (b_1,...,b_n)$, $y = a_1y_1$.

  1. $M = Ry_1 \oplus \text{Ker }\nu$
  2. $N = Ra_1y_1 \oplus (\text{Ker }\nu \cap N)$
Proof. For the first part, $x = \nu(x)y_1 + (x-\nu(x)y_1)$
Remark. $a_1 \nu(y_1) = \nu(a_1y_1) = \nu(y_1) = a_1$ are we sure $a_1$ has an inverse?
$\nu(x - \nu(x)y_1) = \nu(x) - \nu(x) \nu(y_1) = 0$. $ry_1 \in \text{Ker}(\nu)$, $\nu(ry_1) = r\nu(y_1) = r = 0$ which implies $Ry_1 \cap \text{Ker}(0) = 0$. For the second part, $x \in N$, $x = \nu(x) y_1 + (x-\nu(x) y_1)$.

Now that we have gotten all of this preliminary stuff out of the way, we can show part 1 of the theorem by induction on $m$. We have that $M = Ry_1 \oplus \tex{Ker }\nu$ and $N = Ra_1y_1 \oplus (\text{Ker }\nu \cap N)$. If the rank of $N$ is 0, then $\text{Tor}(N) = N = 0$, and $\text{Tor}(N) \subseteq \text{Tor}(M) = 0$. If the rank of $(\text{Ker }\nu \cap N)$ is $m-1$, then $?$ free implies that $\simeq R^{m-1}$ which implies $N \simeq R \times R^{m-1}$ is also free.

To prove the second part, by induction on $n$, By 1, $\text{Ker }\nu$ is free of rank $n-1$. $\text{Ker } \nu \cap N \subseteq \text{Ker }\nu$. There exists $a_2,...,a_m,y_2,...,y_m$, $(\text{Ker }\nu \cap N) = Ra_2 y_2 \oplus ... \oplus Ra_m y_m$, $a_2\;|\; a_3 \;|\; ... \;|\; a_m$. $\text{Ker }\nu = Ry_2 \oplus ... \oplus Ry_m$.

Lecture $N + 3$

Consider $R$ a PID, and $M$ an $R$-module. $M$ is free of rank $n$, $N \subseteq M$.

  1. $N$ is free of rank $m \le n$
  2. $\exists y_1,...,y_n \in M$
$M = Ry_1 \oplus ... \oplus Ry_n$. There exists $a_1,..., a_m \in R$, $N = Ra_1y_1 \oplus ... \oplus Ra_m y_m$.

To check that $a_1$ divides $a_2$, consider $\psi : M \rightarrow R$, $\psi(y_1) = \psi(y_2) = 1$, $\psi(y_k) = 0$ for all $k > 2$. $\psi(a,y_1) = a_1 \in \psi(N) \in \Sigma$, $\psi(a_2y_2) = a_2 \in \psi(N)$, $(a_1) \subseteq \psi(N) \Rightarrow \psi(N) = (a_1)$, $a_2 \in (a_1)$, so $a_1 \;|\; a_2$.

Corollary. Let $M$ be a finitely generated $R$-module. Then there exists $a_1,...,a_k \in R_{\neq 0}$, $a_1 \;|\; a_2 \;|\; ... \;|\; a_k$, $a_i \not \in R^\times$, there exists $l \in \Z_{\ge 0}$. $M \simeq R/(a_1) \times ... \times R/(a_k) \times R^l$.

Let $m_1$, ..., $m_n$ be generators of $M$, and $\varphi: R^n \rightarrow M$, $(r_1,...,r_n) \mapsto \sum_{i=1}^n r_i m_i$, surjective, $R$-linear, $M \simeq R^n/\text{Ker }\varphi$. Mptoce $R^n = Ry_1 \oplus ... \oplus Ry_n$, $\text{Ker }\varphi simeq R\Tilde{a}_1 y_1 \oplus ... \oplus R\Tilde{a}_m y_m$. $R^n/\text{Ker }\varphi \simeq R/\Tilde{a}_1 \times ... \times R/\Tilde{a}_m \times R^{n-m}$. etc etc then we get existence.

To get uniqueness, we need to introduce the following definition:

Definition. Consider $p \in R$, $M \in R-\mathsf{mod}$. $pM = \{pm \;|\; m \in M\}$.

Lemma. Let $p \in R$ be a prime element. Let $R/(p) = F$ a field.
  1. Consider $M = R^n$. Then $M/pM \simeq F^n$.
  2. If $M = R/(a)$, if we take the quotient $M/pM$, we can get $0$ if $p$ does not divide $a$, or we can get $F$ if $p \;|\; a$.
  3. Consider $M = R/(a_1) \times ... \times R/(a_k)$. Consider $M/pM = F^l \;|\; l = \# \{i \;|\; p \;|\; a_i\}$.
Theorem. Suppose $M \simeq R/(a_1) \times ... \times R/(a_k) \times R^l \simeq R/(b_1) \times... \times R/(b_m) \times R^n \simeq a_1 \;|\; ... \;|\; a_k, a_i \not\in R^\times$, $b_1 \;|\; ... \;|\; b_m$, $b_i \not\in R^\times$. Then $l = n$, $k = m$, $(a_1) = (b_1)$, ..., $(a_k) = (b_k)$.
Remark. We can show that the free part is the same and then the torsion part is the same.

Assume $M = \text{Tor}(M)$. $M = R/(a_1) \times ... \times R/(a_k) = R/(b_1) \times ... \times R/(b_m)$.

Modules over $F[x]$. Let $X$ be a linear operator on a finite dimensional vector space $V$. $V \simeq F[x]/(a_1) \times ... \times F[x]/(a_k)$, $a_1,..., a_k \in F[x]$. If $V \simeq F[x]/(a)$, assume $a$ is monic, so the coefficient of its highest degree term is 1. We can always divide by the first coefficient to make this true. So we have WLOG. $F[x]/(a)$ has basis $\overline{1}, $\overline{x}$ (overline means image of), $\overline{x}^2$, ..., $\overline{x}^{n-1}$ over $F$.

In this basis, we can write the matrix $X$: $$X = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 & -a_0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 & -a_1 \\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & ... & 1 & -a_n\end{bmatrix}$$

Theorem (Rational Canonical Form/Frobenius Normal Form). We can always find a basis of our vector space so that the matrix of $X$ is a block diagonal matrix where each block is a companion matrix such that $a_1 \;|\; a_1 \;|\; ... \;|\; a_k$.
Exercise. If $X = A$ is the companion matrix of $a(x)$, then $\chi_X(t) = a(t)$. Also, for block diagonal, we can just multiply the $a_j(t)$s for each block.

We can also get Jordan normal form as a corollary of this classification theorem along with the Chinese Remainder Theorem. $$F[x]/(a(x)) \simeq F[x]/(p_1)^{\alpha_1} \times ... \times F[x]/(p_k)^{\alpha_k}$$ $$a = p_1^{\alpha_1}...p_k^{\alpha_k}$$

We first cover the fundamental theorem of algebra. Irreducible polynomials over $\mathbb{C}$ are only linear ones.

We now consider Field Extensions.

Definition. $K$ is a field extension of $F$ (denoted $K / F$) if $F$ is a subfield of $K$.

Corollary. If $K$ is an extension of $F$, then $K$ is an $F$-algebra, so $K$ is a vector space over $F$.

Definition. The degree of $K$ over $F$, denoted $[K : F]$, is the dimension of $K$ as a vector space over $F$. $[K : F] = \dim_F K$.

Example. $\mathbb{R} \subseteq \mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{C}/\mathbb{R}$, $[\mathbb{C} : \mathbb{R}] = 2$. $[\mathbb{R} : \mathbb{Q}] = \infty$.

Definition. $\text{ch } F$ is $p$ such that $1 + ... + 1 = 0$ ($p$ additions of 1). If $p = \infty$, $p = 0$.

Definition. A prime subfield $F$ of $K$ is a smallest subfield (equivalently a subfield generated by 1).

  1. The prime subfield of $\mathbb{R}$ is $\mathbb{Q}$.
  2. $\mathbb{F}_p(x)$ is $\mathbb{F}_p$.
In particular, if $\text{ch }F= 0$, the prime subfield is $\mathbb{Q}$, and if $\text{ch }F = p$, the prime subfield is $\mathbb{F}_p$.

Definition. An extension $K/F$ is finite if $[K : F]$ is finite.

Theorem. For any irreducible polynomial $p \in F[x]$, there exists a finite $K/F$ such that $p$ has a root in $K$.

Consider $F[x]/p(x) = K$, $[K : F] = \deg p$.

Definition. Let $K/F$, $\alpha \in K$. $F(\alpha)$ is the minimal subfield of $K$ containing $F,\alpha$. Also, $F(\alpha)/F$ is the simple extension.

Definition. $\alpha_1, ..., \alpha_k \in K/F$, $F(\alpha_1,...,\alpha_k)$ is the minimal self contaiing $F$, $\alpha_1,...,\alpha_k$.

Remark. $F(\alpha, \beta) \subseteq K/F$, $F \subseteq F($\alpha$) \subseteq K$. $(F(\alpha))(\beta) = F(\alpha, \beta) = (F(\beta))(\alpha)$.

Definition. $K/F$ is finitely generated if $\exists \alpha_1,...,\alpha_k$ such that $F(\alpha_1,..,\alpha_k) = K$.

Definition. $K/F$ is algebraic if for all $\alpha \in K$, there exists $f(x) \in F[x]$ such that $f(\alpha) = 0$.

Corollary. If $[K : F] < \infty$, $K/F$ is algebraic.

Definition. If $\alpha \in K/F$ is an algebraic element, there exists a monic polynomial of minimum degree $m_\alpha(x) \in F[x]$ such that $m_\alpha(\alpha) = 0$. This is called the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$.

Theorem. Let $\alpha \in K/F$ be an algebraic element. Then $F(\alpha) \simeq F[x]/(m_\alpha(x))$.
Theorem. $F \subseteq K \subseteq L$, $[L : F] = [L : K] \cdot [K : F]$.
Proof. $L = K\langle \alpha_1,...,\alpha_n\rangle$ and $K = F\langle \beta_1,...,\beta_k\rangle$, so $L = F\langle \alpha_i \beta_j\rangle_{i \le n, j \le k}$, $x \in L$, $x = a_1\alpha-1 + ... + a_n \alpha_n$, $a_i \in K$.
Theorem. $K/F$ is finite ifand only if its algebraic and finitely generated.

$K = F(\alpha_1,...,\alpha_k)$, $F_j = F(\alpha_1,...,\alpha_j)$. $[K : F] = [F_K : F_0] = [F_k : F_{k-1}] [F_{k-1} : F_{k-2}] ... [F_1 : F_0]$.

Consider the extension $F_j/F_{j-1}$, and $F_j = F_{j-1}(\alpha_j)$. Since $\alpha_j$ is algebraic over $F_{j-1}$, $[F_j : F_{j-1}] < \infty$.

Definition (Algebraic Closure). The algebraic closure of $F$ denoted $\overline{F}$ is the minimal field containing roots of all polynomials with coefficients in $F$.

Definition (Algebraically Closed). $F$ is called algebraically closed if $\overline{F} = F$.

Proposition. $\overline{F}$ is algebraically closed.

Let $p(x) = a_0 + ... + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + x^n$ be a polynomial in $\overline{F}[x]$. Consider $K := F(a_0,...,a_{n-1}) \subseteq \overline{F}$, and consider $K[x]/(p(x)) = L$. We have $F \subseteq K \subseteq L$. We have $[L :F] < \infty$, so $L \subseteq \overline{F}$.

Theorem (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra). $\overline{\mathbb{C}} = \mathbb{C}$.
Corollary. There are no other finite field extensions of $\mathbb{R}$.

Straight-Edge and Compass Constructions

Three old problems we solve:

  1. Doubling the cube
  2. Trisecting an angle
  3. Squaring the circle
  4. For which $n$ is it possible to construct a regular $n$-gon

First of all, $p(x,y)$ (a point at $(x,y)$) is constructable if and only if segments of lengths $x$ and $y$ are constructable.

$F = \{x \in \mathbb{R} \;|\; \text{segment of length $x$ or $-x$ is constructable}\} \subseteq \mathbb{R}$.

Example. $\alpha, \beta \in F$, we can show that $\alpha + \beta$, $\alpha -\beta$, $\alpha \beta$, and $\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}$ are in $F$. Thus, $F$ is a field, and we have $\mathbb{Q} \subseteq F \subseteq \mathbb{R}$. $F$ is not $\mathbb{Q}$ is possible since we can construct geometric means.

Proposition. $\alpha \in F$ if and only if $\mathbb{Q}(\alpha)$ is obtained by a sequence of degree 2 extensions.

Corollary. $\alpha \in F$, then $[\mathbb{Q}(\alpha) : \mathbb{Q}] = 2^k$.
Strategy. We can show that $\dfrac{x^p - 1}{x - 1}$ is irreducible by substituting $(x+1)$ for $x$ and then applying Eisenstiein criterion, whereas Eisenstein's criterion isn't otherwise directly applicable.
Theorem. A regular $p$-gon is constructable if and only if $n = 2^k \cdot p_1 \cdot ... p_l$ where $p_i \neq p_j$ if $i \neq j$ and $p_i = 2^{n_i} + 1$.
One direction was shown in class.

$\{ \varphi \;|\; \varphi(a) = a$ for all $a \in F\} = \text{Aut}(K/F) \subseteq \text{Aut}(K)$. $\sigma \in \text{Aut}(K/F)$ if $\alpha$ is a root $f(x)$ in $F[x]$, $\sigma(\alpha)$ is alsoa root of $f(x)$.

There is a one to one corerspondence between $F \subseteq L \subseteq K$ and subgroups of $\text{Aut}(K/F)$. $L = K^H$ you get a subfield. The set of subgroups of the automorphisms of $K/F$ is called the Galois group of $K/F$.